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Postby bambam » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:23 pm

I work for a company that has no rules on smoking in the office. As a non smoker this is starting to really bother me. Cigars are a big thing here too. Do I have a right to complain? It is a tobacco company,although I never thought the smoking would be allowed in the office area. What do I do ?
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Postby nemski » Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:37 pm

I had this problem when i was working in an office in nicosia, i was pregnant at the time!!! this didnt seem to bother anyone. I even approached the owner of the company but he just laughed it off. I miscarried and regret not taking action against them, ironic that was their name!
So anyway yes of course you have a right, everyone has always had a right to their health, even before the EU!
Do something now even if it means losing your jo , these assholes need to learn a lesson.
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Postby nemski » Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:40 pm

do these people think you are working at their company to earn a living or to help them promote smoking?
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:03 pm

back when i used to a smoke, i would never light a cigarette in a room with children present even in a busy restaurant where everyone smokes. Now that i've quit smoking i do quite often spoil a day of smoker who dares light a cigarette next to me or my kid. I actually had a really loud argument which led a whole (smoking) family leave taverna without finishing their meal... bad day for them, better day for me :D

U know what, go ahead and threaten legal action if they dont stop smoking in the office. Its your right.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:15 am

This nasty habit as well as being unhealthy is also dated. In the third world smoking is on the increase where in the western world quite the opposite. Cyprus has not as yet decided in which direction it wants to go.Smoking is a dirty smelly disgusting addiction , is not glamorous as portrayed in the Cypriot and Greek TV ,(Do not know about the Turkish TV ) but quite the opposite. Having been a smoker my self I understand how hard it is to kick this horrid addiction .It most certainly ought to be banned at work places and public areas , restaurants , pubs etc.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:38 am

bambam wrote:I work for a company that has no rules on smoking in the office. As a non smoker this is starting to really bother me. Cigars are a big thing here too. Do I have a right to complain? It is a tobacco company,although I never thought the smoking would be allowed in the office area. What do I do ?

A non-smoker working for a Tobacco company? Am I to believe they didn't get you to sign that it's a smoke zone?
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