well Lena mou, I think we need to write individual letters and petitions to our respective governments and show how we feel about the issue with perhaps cc to the leader of the so called other side.
like you I am disillusioned by the forum I really want to join a forum where it can be a little more productive than this one, but cannot find one. I would even like to come to cyprus and do soe volunteer work in bringing people together but I have not been able to locate such an organisation.
then there is the fact that many of our turkish speaking compatriots Do Not support Unification, to this end it complicates things just a tatt
However, their fears are valid and to this end it is up to the politicians to come up with ways to ensure that there are structures in place to allow for peopl's safety. my suggestion to the UN was that turkish troops to pull out of cyprus al together to allow greek speaking cyps to feel safe and to also feel that they are working with the turkish speaking cypriots rather than turkey and the turkish army to be replaced by UN forces to ensure that order and current state of ceasefire remain as they are for the tme being until a solution is found. I have repeatedly suggested on this forum that the RoC create a register of those Greek speaking Cypriots who will Not return to their properties for whatever reason (many live overseas and will not up root to return, many have bigger better homes in the south and are not willing to give it all up, these people can then be compensated though not my preferred option but if it helps the cyprus cause well may be we need to let go of some things), so that the turksih speaking side have an idea of the numbers of greek speaking cyp's who will return, i suspect the number will be much less than anticipated. Then we have to think about settlers, they too are human being as my friend Zan has kindly pointed out to me once. To this end I believe that an independent committee is made up to consider each family and individual on individual basis, Turkey to take some financial responsibility for those who return but I would recomend that most settlers or at least less than the number of Turksih speaking cyp's born prior to 1974. That is a number that our turkish speaking Cyp's can decide. Anyway regardless of the number then as greek speaking cyp's return to their properties and leave their current refugee accommodation that can be given to settlers both as temporary or permanent accommodation, rent to buy scheme or cheaper affordable accommodation, i recommend the RoC provide financial assistance fro turkish and greek speaking cyp's from north/ south respectively to fix their home with view to return to the paphos villages they came from initially, the RoC need encourage turksih cypriots with appropriate qualifications to take up the posts in the governement that have not been filled since the 1960's starting with an offer to Mr Talat (whom I personally have little respect for after his threats of war) to take up the post of vice president. if he refuses then the invite need be extended to others who may be willing to take on the challenge.