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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby turkcyp » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:13 pm

Alexandros Lordos wrote:They are well aware that if they start walking the TRNC recognition path, even de facto, the TCs might lose one of their major motivations for re-unification ... (i.e. the motive of escaping international isolation).

Dear Alex,

I respectfully disagree,

You are saying that all the sanctions on north is creating a motivation for TCs. SO they are rather a carrot more than a stick.

If we want to take carrot and stick analogy. The international world have always used the stick on TCs (hence sanctions) and carrot on GCs (hence saying that they can become a EU member without finding a fair solution in Cyprus).

They always thought that TCs were the intransigent party, and GCs always wanted solution so they reward GCs and punish TCs. Well we have seen the results of that last year.

TCs after getting the stick for the last 20 years agreed a solution, but GCs not being used to getting stick but always receiving the carrot, realize that that they do get the carrot all the time so why agree now, then wait later on and get more from settlement.

The reality is as simple as that,

I believe the best way to solved the problem all these years would have been "stick to GCs and stick to TCs" scenario, which actually really would have forced both communities to compromise.

Now what they are trying to do is to make a "carrot to GCs and carrot to TCs" startegy, which in my opinion will yield better results than what they have applied in the last 20 years as "carrot to GCs and stick to TCs"

By doing carrot/stick the international community have delaed extra cards to GCs in negotitationg table. And this extra card was the luxury for them to wait.

That is why I believe Cyprus will be solved simultanously at the same time with Turkish EU entry, if that is ever to happen. Because RoC is not in a hurrt, Turkey is not in a hurry (Turkey will never give up Cyprus card before EU membership is guaranteed which is another 10-15 years), so I guess we will have to wait another 10-15 years for the solution.

Have a great day
Last edited by turkcyp on Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby boulio » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:14 pm

they showed sencirity when the gave the green line regulations for trade,asked for more checkpoints,demined there side of the fence and offord famagusta port to joint export and import.

what have the t/c and turkey done besides agree to a lopsided plan that did not take any of the g/c concerns to heart?
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Postby boulio » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:23 pm

That is why I believe Cyprus will be solved simultanously at the same time with Turkish EU entry, if that is ever to happen. Because RoC is not in a hurrt, Turkey is not in a hurry (Turkey will never give up Cyprus card before EU membership is guaranteed which is another 10-15 years), so I guess we will have to wait another 10-15 years for the solution.

i think you are wrong on this one,turkey is in a very big hurry,can i ask you if they told you three years ago that turkey would be putting its signature to a documnet that had the ROC SIG.WOULD you have believed it(customs union)?turkey must exept 31 articles in its ascesion to the eu,which in turn has to be approved unanimously by the eu members twice,that means 64 vetos,ROC never wanted turkey out of the EU to the countrary they wanted them in,to take each card that she has one by one.i dont agree with this method but im not a politician
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Postby Alexandros Lordos » Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:26 pm


actually I think the way they are planning to do it now, is to use the carrot on the TCs (promise that after the solution isolation will end) and the stick on GCs (threat that if there is no solution, de facto recognition of TRNC will indeed happen).

Well, if they give the TCs what they are asking for now, they probably fear that both the TC carrot and the GC stick will lose their effectiveness ...

I am not saying that I agree with this approach. I am just saying that this is how they think.
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Postby brother » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:44 pm

I am saying one word 'Macedonia' official recognition and what could the great greek lobbies do about it nothing. :D
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Postby boulio » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:45 pm

and in a few months we will see a kurdistan and then i would like to the see what the mighter turkey says.stick to the topic.
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Postby brother » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:50 pm

Will never happen in turkey as for irak, well lets say it will be interesting as to what the mighty turkey will do if that ever becomes reality, but i think that is not going to happen but if it does why not, they deserve a state as much as anyone and i am not one to chew their rights to a homeland of their own.

I have and currently know many kurds and the majority are like you and i, just decent good people.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:22 am

The whole world has been trading with Taiwan

Yeah, yeah. Keep on talking and dreamimg of Taiwan ROC without even knowing what Taiwan ROC is. Heres a small information to spin your brains a bit:
It produces nothing, zero, miden, nil !! Go there and see with your own eyes.

Hmmm, why so huge international trade IN THE PAST then??
What percentage of her past trade is she having now?
Which year is the estimated end of Taiwan ROC? (woops did you notice the similarity with the name TRNOC?!)

Notice: Taiwans ROC Trading deal was partially copied by Hong Kong. But at least Hong Kong was producing some things of its own.....

If it fails, then the recognition of a seperate state in North will come true.

From where? From the EU?So the EU would accept a brake on herself???

I am saying one word 'Macedonia' official recognition and what could the great greek lobbies do about it nothing.

How about "disturbing" their way to the sea? Never you heard that the liliputtian state cannot even survive a year without Greeces "cooperation"?
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Postby insan » Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:30 am

From where? From the EU?So the EU would accept a brake on herself???

Doesn't majority rule in EU? They gather and take a new decision to put a full stop the "dream" not viable anymore.

EU is based upon pragmatism MiCaTCyp, not the things the Hellen's rulin elite dream of... 8)
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Postby turkcyp » Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:05 pm

MicAtCyp wrote:Yeah, yeah. Keep on talking and dreamimg of Taiwan ROC without even knowing what Taiwan ROC is. Heres a small information to spin your brains a bit:
It produces nothing, zero, miden, nil !! Go there and see with your own eyes. .

Taiwan produces around 60% of all motherboards used in the world. So in other word the computer you are using to write this message, is most probably equipped with the parts mainly manufactured in Taiwan

Hmmm, why so huge international trade IN THE PAST then??
What percentage of her past trade is she having now?
Which year is the estimated end of Taiwan ROC? (woops did you notice the similarity with the name TRNOC?!)

Notice: Taiwans ROC Trading deal was partially copied by Hong Kong. But at least Hong Kong was producing some things of its own.....

I actually do not understand whay you are talking about. Are you talking about a tarde deal with Taiwan and RoC.

All I was trying to say that de-facto recognition and trading with one country does not necessarily equate with political recognition of that country. That is why I have given the example of Taiwan.

Taiwan is not accepted to be a legally sovereign nation and country in the world. Everybody even its biggest trading partner USA accepts that Taiwan belongs to PRC (Peoples Republic of China). Bu they still trade with Taiwan on different terms that they would trade with China, and do not necessarily mean political recognition of Taiwan.

So in a nutshell all I was trying to say, that Turkey starting trade with RoC does not mean that she politically recognizes RoC, and at the same time rest of the world starting to trade with TRNC does not mean that they politically recognize TRNC.
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