I joined the forum a few days ago...
I'm a 31 year old woman from Belgrade, Serbia. I visited Cyprus with a friend in 1996., for a vacation, but fell in love with it and stayed for almost 2 yrs. Like many foreigners at that time, being young and adventurous, we started working (bar woman + waitress), rented a flat, and never gave much thought to the fact that we were working illegaly, living illegaly... Days were going by, I had the best time of my life, untill october 1998. when I was taken in by the immigration, held in prison 8 days, and finnaly deported from Cyprus.
A year later I tried to go there once again, as I had a boyfriend waiting for me. The police found my name in some computer records they keep , and again I was deported from the airport back home.
8 yrs have passed. One day, I'm hoping in my near future, I would like to pay another visit to the island. JUST for a vacation, nothing else.

Does anyone know anything about the law... Back then, people told me that after a period of time, a few years, your name gets erased from those records, and you can visit the country normally.
But I need to be certain, of course.
Please, I would be very greatfull if someone would help me. If you don't know how these things work, can you at least suggest someone I should contact...?