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Tenant's rights

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Tenant's rights

Postby kevvick » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:23 pm

Hi, I am hoping someone out there can help me out on this. In July last year I began renting a property and signed the contract for a 2 year lease, in the contract it stated that the landlord had to maintain the structure of the property, roof etc. Not long after moving in it became apparent that there was a problem with the electricity as I was receiving bills in excess of 250cyp for 2 months when I was using hardly any electricity. I called the electricity board and they checked the voltage but concluded that the problem was with the wiring which made sense as everything in the house kept burning out. The landlord was informed but took no notice. A few months later when it rained the rain came through the ceiling in all areas of the house as the whole house has flat roofs, again the landlord was notified but took no notice. The problem now is that the walls are covered in mould and fur and even my furniture is covered in mould. The owners of the property are divorced and not on speaking terms. 4 months ago the landlord was informed that until the house was made fit to live in that no rent would be paid and she agreed, now however the ex husband, whos name is not on the lease is demanding the last 4 months rent and has promised that he will return from Athens to fix the house if I pay the arrears in rent.

My objection is that the landlord was notified of the problems ages ago and nothing has been fixed and i have no intention of paying back rent on a property that is unfit for habitance and also unhealthy. I have said all along that i have no objection to paying rent when the house is fixed.

My question is, where do i stand? can the ex husband force me to leave even though his name is not on the contract? I work in England so my wife is here on her own with the children and although she has looked around for alternative accommodation there is nothing locally where my children go to school.

My wife is extemely worried as in England we would be protected because the landlord did not abide by the terms of the contract but this is Cyprus!!!
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Postby queenslander » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:28 pm

I believe you said you have a contract? well what does that say? have you read it? who on the landlords side does it say who is renting the property to you? is it company or a person?
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Postby simonwjones » Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:16 pm

You have a contract to oblige, and so does the landlord. It would look to put in a compensation claim against this monster and get out of his property and rent somewhere else. He has broken his side of the bargain and expects you to pay. This could get ugly so I would just cancel the contract on the basis where he hasn't fulfilled his side and tell him your deposit will help towards to back payment.

I think you may have to accept this and just move on
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Postby Cyprus Vending » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:10 am

Hi Kevvick

We were property landlords back in the UK, tennants in Cyprus have a LOT more rights then they do in the UK.

1st; Contact a Cy lawyer and have him/her right a letter to your LANDLADY.

2nd; DO NOT pay your rent, BUT offer to start monthly payments WHEN repair work starts. Then on completion of the repairs pay what you owe!

As the Ex' does not have his name on the lease/contract he has NO rights over you!!!

If your landlady decided to take you to court, it would take them about 3 years to get the case there - and they know that...

I know a good property lawyer in Paphos - if thats where you live.

If you need any other help:- [email protected]
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