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Job question

Postby vintagechick » Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:25 pm

Ok, how difficult you think it's going to be for me as an European chick to get a waitress job in Cyprus in this time of a year? Don't speak any Greeek, my English is pretty cool though. Any comments, advice much appreciated. Thanks.
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Postby orokliniservices » Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:31 pm

european chick as in EU member? if you are and are fit to work in a ayia napa club get your butt over here now as they started hiring a few weeks ago. Drawback.. working 6-7 days a week.. all day.. all night.. for CRAP money.. like literally not enough to live off of. Not worth it in my eyes.
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Postby simonwjones » Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:38 pm

orokliniservices wrote:european chick as in EU member? if you are and are fit to work in a ayia napa club get your butt over here now as they started hiring a few weeks ago. Drawback.. working 6-7 days a week.. all day.. all night.. for CRAP money.. like literally not enough to live off of. Not worth it in my eyes.

How can they expect you to work all day and not pay you enough to live on? If you work all day every day you can not have two jobs! Unless you can find time to work in your sleep! :)
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Postby orokliniservices » Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:02 pm

i met young men and women last summer who would hand out flyers starting at noon on nissi beach for a few hours, then have a few hours off in the evening, back at the club for 9 then work till 5 or 6. Some were put up in apartments by the bar owners (usually sharing with 3 or 4 others) and some lived with family members.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:12 pm

orokliniservices wrote:european chick as in EU member? if you are and are fit to work in a ayia napa club get your butt over here now as they started hiring a few weeks ago. Drawback.. working 6-7 days a week.. all day.. all night.. for CRAP money.. like literally not enough to live off of. Not worth it in my eyes.

They probably pay shitty salaries, because the workers do not have the time to spend the money anyway, due to working all the time. :(

Is slavery back or what. :?:
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Postby simonwjones » Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:44 pm

Kikapu wrote:
orokliniservices wrote:european chick as in EU member? if you are and are fit to work in a ayia napa club get your butt over here now as they started hiring a few weeks ago. Drawback.. working 6-7 days a week.. all day.. all night.. for CRAP money.. like literally not enough to live off of. Not worth it in my eyes.

They probably pay shitty salaries, because the workers do not have the time to spend the money anyway, due to working all the time. :(

Is slavery back or what. :?:

I think it is my friend, i think it is.

How much do they pay per week, anyone know?
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Postby BOF » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:01 am

8) Is Aya napa the sort of work your looking for V.C?? or more of a tourist taverna type thing?
And your forum name sounds a bit self depreciating if i may say so....sounds like your around your 60s and ride a harley.. :) :) :wink:
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Postby beverley10 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:09 am

we have heard of trained chefs in the paphos area working 60 to 80 hours a week for cy£100 so work it out for yourself.have friends who do shop work/night clubs etc at around cy£2 p hr.
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Postby dragonfly » Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:45 am

I have worked for ten pounds for a eight hour shift, currently getting 15 pounds for 8 hours. If you can work for some English you might get more (I have earned up to 10 pounds per hour for emergency holiday let cleaning!), its not easy though and a lot of Cypriots want you to work your buns off for the very basic wages they pay you. I have worked in an opticians for 250 a month over winter and for a leather shop for 350 a month when he promised me 380. Never again!
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Postby RichardB » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:00 pm

We all have heard the horror and low wage earning stories from Cyprus

In my opinion/experience if you're good at your job then you will be paid a decent wage commensurate with your abilities.

Yes a waiter/waitress may only get £100 pw but this can be doubled taking into account tips if you're good

Someone has mentioned on this thread the story of a trained chef getting £100 pw for 60-80 hours, Well all I can say is that if you're a trained chef and are accepting this then more fool you.

In 1992 as a trained Chef I was earning cy£12000 pa and I assure you I didnt have to bust a gut for it.

Last year (November) I was offered £60 per night to work in a restaurant.(+ share of tips)

On the eures job site there is at this moment a job for Head chef Circa £12-1400 per month posted in the last week.

If you are willing to work for slave wages then there will always be some unscrupulous employer willing to take advantage of you.
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