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How much would you pay to have your own website?

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How much would you pay to have your own website?

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Postby pitsilos » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:12 am

are you talking about hosting or making or both?

hosting is expensive, designing is very expensive

I am hosting my self, and it cost me about US$6 per month, that means I am live on the net from my premises and i provide the hardware. We have more control this way.

as far as designing, we do it in house so the there is no cost.
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Re: How much would you pay to have your own website?

Postby Loucian » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:31 am

lev wrote:Is this a marketing reseach or an information retrieval for cheapest solution?


this is a marketing reserach, yes...we want to see how the market will react in our services.

May i have more your comments or vote please!
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Postby raymanuva » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:02 am

Loucian, we've been doing same research 5 years ago with one of a major ISPs.
Premade templates, sitebuilders is a bunch of unprofessional crap. +There are hunders of similar services working for free. Cyprus is on its 4rth wave of web development, people more and more go towards professional services, e-commerce etc.
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Postby Loucian » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:57 pm

raymanuva wrote:Cyprus is on its 4rth wave of web development, people more and more go towards professional services, e-commerce etc.

You mention e-commerce, i wonder what makes you beleive that e-commerce is a service that will expand in Cyprus.
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Postby raymanuva » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:05 pm

Loucian, i'll pass on this one, have a nice day.
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Postby Loucian » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:29 pm

raymanuva wrote:Loucian, i'll pass on this one, have a nice day.

So what do you mean? Give more details please...
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Postby devil » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:14 pm

e-commerce will never expand in Cyprus until people read and respond to e-mails. The general attitude here is that commerces will suddenly receive a thousand orders on the day they open a web site vaunting their services.

Here is a challenge for anyone to try. Find at random 100 websites of companies on the island. From the website data (forms, e-mail addresses etc.) send to every one you can a serious message relating to their products or services. If you get 5 replies, I would be surprised. If you get 10 replies, it would be little short of a miracle. E-commerce? Not on this island.

In Switzerland, there is a large supermarket chain called Migros. They have on-line shopping with delivery to your door in most of the country. The prices are the same (generally) as in their shops, although there is a small delivery charge. This has been very successful. Why? Well, just look at ... UPERMARKET and see for yourself what they offer on line. Can you imagine Orphan Annies or whoever doing something similar here? If you can, you must have a very good imagination. Just have a look at Carrefour's web site (or Orphanides' or any other supermarket's) and tell me whether you are inspired to buy something. They are dismal and generally uninformative.
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Postby Loucian » Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:38 pm


i agree with you. The cyprus market is still years back. It would be good to see what people really think about the price they expect to pay for their websites. Please vote!
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Postby dragonfly » Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:17 am

I pay 60 GBP per year, have one domain, one subdomain. Am hosted on Apache server, damn near 100% uptime and they always let us know if there are any problems. Contacting from Cyprus back to the UK is not a problem if you remember the time difference!

If my site was to be hosted in Cyprus I wouldn't pay bugger all! I work in an internet cafe and we are always having problems with web access via Cyta- its very slow and unreliable and I worry that people wouldn't be able to access my website properly.

Site is own design and maintained too.
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Postby steveash » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:09 pm

Its all very well having a web site, but as people have said on here, having a web site does NOT mean you are going to get lots of orders.

Im in the Search Engine Optimisation game and it amazes me the amount of web owners who launch a site and expect to be first page in Google in a week.

This simpily does NOT happen, it takes time and effort to get traffic to a site.
When i quote for SEO work for companies, the first thing i have to explain to them, is that this is a long term gain, yes the rewards can be massive (1 site i SEO for gets 6000+ SEO free visitors a day) but you have to look at this as a long term benifit, so quotes i give for SEO are all for 12 months work.
Any new web site can take at least 6 months before they start to see signifigant traffic uplift, but remember once that does happen, all those orders only cost you a % of the SEO fee, and once the 12 months are up and if you do part company, then those orders are FREE, where can you get that sort of profit margin from traditional bricks and mortor shops??
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