Birkibrisli wrote:Earlier I suggested a suitable amblem for that coin, but nobody picked it up.I will repeat it here :Two He-goats with their horns locked in a fight to death,on a log struttling an abyss....don't you think that would be most appropriate,Lena mou?
You really want something like that? Birkibrisli mou, I am sorry but what exactly its going to symbolize that??? Ok we are fighting a little bit between us...but we dont have to let the whole world know about that!!!
Birkibrisli wrote: For the record,I am very proud for most of my country's history,and not so proud of certain episodes of madness,which we won't go into here...
If you are a True Cypriot,you love your country,you love all her people no matter what ethnic origin they have,and you are proud of the parts that you should be proud of,going back 10,000 years...
And if you are a True cypriot your heart breaks every time you see people dragging petty political,sectarian, and divisive scruples into every aspect of life...
You are so right my dear Birkibrisli!!! So true!!!