pitsilos wrote:then you better tell them to send a bit extra for the exchange charges.
pitsilos wrote:yeah but the eu is appreciating against the lira and thats gonna live you a bit short changed when you come out of hypernation every now and then.
Viewpoint wrote:Sotos wrote:We will continue with the New Turkish Lira..as we have nothing to do with the "RoC" we are separate
So you don't use Cyprus pounds and Euro because you are separate but you use Turkish Lira because .... ?? Because you are Turks and not Cypriots right?
because our only ally Turkey supports our economy in Turkish Lira, we cannot expect them to fund us in Euros....the day the "RoC" allows us to stand on our own 2 feet and eases the embargoes is they day we will have the choice to move to Euros.
Sotos wrote:Here is our Euro:
as you can see it has both Greek and Turkish on it. Will TCs adopt it? Or they will continue using Turkish liras?
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