gebaston wrote:
sorry mate but i luv him.
I reckon President Paps is tc's greatest asset.
he is a shining example of what tc's are trying to free themselves of.
just picturing him in private talks with Bush Blair Annan or any other leader brings joy to my heart.
what a wonderful way of promoting tc's concerns.
look piratis the enemy is happy with our president. he is working for their interests
ok i will be honest
during the referendum i was abroad and didnt vote
from abroad i had the opinion that the Aplan was bad.
i was in general in favor of no but the more i was listening to all that nationalism through cypriot channels i just wanted to vote against them.
in any case , i would be embarrased to be on the same side with the guys who hit the tc yesterday. ofcource they are not fascist. the voted no.
why did i change my opinion?
1. the most important reason is that i made a tc friend. no parties in the middle no americans . it just happened. u may be surprised but they r not barbarous creatures with two heads 15 eyes and four mouths reeady to devaour any gc. i was shocked bc in just one day he managed to destroy my whole school education prapaganda that i received.
the most touching scene was when he came to my place for food .
my mother brought him in front of the photo of her house in the north and showed it to him. i was thinking "shit why is she doing that now". anyway for my mother it was the first time she ever came across a tc. she just had to do it. the guy is ofcource 24 he couldnt have been involved.
unlike most tc in the forum he didnt answer " u know in 1963 bla bla bla" he could have and he would have every right to do that but he simply said: i live in kyrenia and i love my city. i know that if someone did that to me i would be really sad. i can understand how u feel.
just like that end of the story
i think it takes a lot of guts when u r under attack not to attack back but answer with kindness.
i am not sure if i would have done the same
just a human story that blew away all the political shit
2. i did not know of any 1963 or prior stuff that happened in cyprus
3. i was shocked when i found out that the tc used the veto power only once and for a stupid reason. i i say stupid bc the problem was funding some tc schools and we didnt want to give them the money. i used to believe that they constantly paralised the state. perhaps i am wrong but here is my source
if i am wrong i would be happy to be informed about it. perhaps i can regain my vetofear
4. i dont consider pap being willing and able to bring a new solution
5. even if u want to blame talat turkey USA, UN, Britain i have no objection. just like us, they promote thier interest and they are out of our control. thats the trick we never understood. considering that they will promote their interest whats the best we can do to promote ours?
i know how this will be interpreted. that i ask to become faithfull dogs of the US.
on tthe contrary.
whats the best solution we can achieve knwoing that they are against us?
up to now we achieved no solution
gebaston my friend sorry for calling u "the enemy"