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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:36 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu
You can take that "opolous" and stick it in your "opolous" as far as it can go, because I got my use out of it already.

Can you understand why I used this name ending?

Did you really think, that "Kikapuopolous" really bothered me.? Did you think I was that weak.? What a fool. I was testing you. I even gave you few hints, but you never caught on. I told you that I was "measuring" you, you know, what kind of a man you are. I put the word "traitor" in your mouth, again you did not catch on. Then I pushed you and pushed you, but I could not get the word traitor out of you. Then I insulted you with very nasty words, and still, not a pip out of our mouth. I even put you in a "shit hole" and gave you a spoon, and still, you could not say the word "traitor". So what were the results.

I was fully aware of what you were trying to do I do not fall into these sorts of traps easily and your test was to see if I would label you a a traitor and you used very foul and underhand tactics to try and extract someting which could have been thrown at in anger, this says more about your own character than it does mine.

I have learned from you, that you are not able to pass over your convictions. That can be a good thing and a bad thing, but that's how you are. You could not call me a traitor, because you did not believe I was one. Your convictions would not allow it, no matter how hard I pushed you. The same can be said to your convictions towards a Partition. You believe in it, therefore it is a waste of time trying to talk Unified Cyprus with you, because your convictions will not allow you.

The first part of assesment is correct and I accept that if I believe something to be right I will post accordingly, Kikapu for me the word traitor is a very strong and has deep meaning I try not to use it label people often and without really knowing you and your past I would not throw this word at you or anyone else that easily.

The second part of your assesment is wrong you still need ime to understand where I am coming from but I am patient and really you should be able to work this out yourself, a few posters have read me like an open book and only recently one of the stated with great accuracy what I am about.

I could have told you I was an agent of the RoC, or a double agent, or even a double-double agent, and your convictions would not let you call me a traitor, because you knew deep down, I'm one of you, except that I talks back at you, and not with you, in what you want to do, and that is to have a Partition.

My adoption of a Greek sounding name was to bring home to you the assimilation issue as your thoughts and ideas are closer to the other side which is the GC side, a few more years and you would be no different from our stubborn GC neightbours, this imo has a lot to do with your living away from your homeland for so long you have become diluted and do not under the dangers that would face those living the Cyprus saga when trying to force 2 peoples back together. The political war has brought us to where we are today do you feel this willstop one we shake hands and say we are united, I dont know about you but people on both sides have suffered enough I do not want to throw anyone into the furness ever again. The last 33 years is just an example of how people can live on this island in peace do their own thing then I say I want more of that, you will obviously come back and say you are not thinking of refugees well I have always stated they should have their rights back but the situation dictates that this is only possible if they accept claiming it via the north which in reflection is the same for us going and claiming from the south. All I am asking for is the same rights as the GCs have no more no less, you stated that these goodies as you put them have not depleated the desire of GCs for a solution then why do you think it will depleat ours? we have to be equals when we sit down to agree unification as I accept the removal of the Turkish army then they to should accept that I to should have direct flights and trade.

The test has been over VP, so anything you say now, to call me a traitor or anything else, is totally meaningless, because it will be a forced result, and that does not count. So stop with your little whining about me not belonging amongst the TC's, because you have already approved me, whether you knew it at the time or not. Hello Brother.

Test problem for me but your methods and approach reveals more about you than me. I have not changed my opinion of you as I have stated you may be TC in origin but someone who can live away from their homeland for 40 years and have no qualms about suggesting that we throw ourselves into the fire, knowing what we suffered in the past and not taking into account what we have to say just opposing us as if we are wrong without commiting himself is not really an opinion I would pay mush attention to as its not your head on the chopping block if this should go wrong, its me and my families future and safety which is at stake and I do not take decisions as lightly as you do from the safety of thousands of miles away.

Be on your guard, because I may run another test on you soon, but it will be nothing like the last one, so just do what you normally do, and I'll let you know , when the results come in.

You to can be on your guard as to you never know who is testing who :roll:


This was your best post yet for a long time, because you showed some human elements in your arguments and comments. You have been complaining to me, that I side with GC's point of views and not TC's, and that has been true for the most part in the last month or so, because you had been such a "Lightning Rod" for attention, with some of your comments, that went way against my views about human dignity and rights, that at times, you came across totally "empty feelings" towards your fellow man on the island. Although you say we have had peace the last 33 years, it's a little misleading VP. It's like saying," we are a rich country, when there are homeless people on the streets", which is the case in the USA: Some are rich and some are homeless. In Cyprus you may be at peace with your life, but there are those who have lost their rights to their property, are not at peace, both TC's and GC's. I hope you can differentiate and see my point.

I don't know why you think I want your or your families head on the chopping block. I'm pushing for our own state within Cyprus, where as you're pushing for our own state, "out side" Cyprus. That is where we differ. I have told you and others, I do not care what political views each of us have, but be prepared to be confronted, when I believe it is the wrong one, and of course, you get to have the same option also.

Anyway, show more of your human side more often, so that I can go after Piratis and the gang. :lol:

Where the hell is Piratis anyway. :?:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:05 pm

pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
U sure u r TCs?

shit k.k.ken is now posting as vips :lol:



I have meant to tell you for few days now, but have been distracted by others, as to how well you do "k.k.ken". :!: :!:

You do it as well as Kevin Kline does it, in the film "A fish called Wanda". :lol:
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:56 pm

mate you are too good, it seems we have similar taste in movies. :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:27 pm

you don't get it do you? for turkey is either get in or burst at the seams. there is no special partnership crap. its either in or out, turkey knows this. she is already got a special partnership, but even this partnership has changed a lot. the eu is one for all, all for one in case you didn't get it. hence the problems turkey is facing with the eu.

the turkish economy is hanging on by a thread. people live as they did 100 years ago when the republic was established. 2nd highest imf loan, cheap labour market evaborating to china, etc

Over time we will see whos correct on this issue, Turkey entering the EU is a very long way off, the mentality is not ripe and the desire is not right. The EU will continue to apply the thumbs screws and each step will be dogged by problems and delays, the train has already slowed and its my personal belief that will grind to a halt hopefully sooner than later but the image will be given that things are on track so as not to effect the Turkish economy to heavily.

so i wouldn't be worrying about the gcs if i was you, rather worry about whats gonna happen to you and what solution you gonna get in the next 5 to 10 years. and if its 1960 agreement, then you can quess who has been wasting time.

Pits to be honest I really dont worry about Gcs as they can look after themselves, after all the have defacto recognition, but you are different you appear to care about what happens to the Turkish economy and the knock on effect to the north and the TCs. Although very touching its appears insincere and scarcastic but whatever the outcome at the present time I do not believe any solution will come in the next 10 to 20 years and this will definately not be the 1960 agreements it will be closer to the Annan plan style agreement.....but we are in it for the long haul and we are resilient enough to see this through so dont shed any crocodile tears as we will be here in the north for many many more years to come. Maybe its you who should consider will the north advance with your support thus keeping the door open for a future solution or do we continue to try getting what we want through back door which will mean you continuing to earn the current negativity (65%) from TCs towards uniting with GCs.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:44 pm

Viewpoint wrote: you continuing to earn the current negativity (65%) from TCs towards uniting with GCs.

Come on VP, this 65% you're tossing around every time, and even if it's true, most of them must be those who have made financial gains, through the "Back door", at the expense of others, and will hold genuine TC's from becoming a majority to strive for a solution. So in other words, we will allow "unethical" people make the rules for us in the "TRNC", when we can make "honourable" rules for our own state, in a 2 state 1 country solution.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:04 pm

This was your best post yet for a long time, because you showed some human elements in your arguments and comments.

Maybe you should consider that you have read my previous posts but not really understood what I was trying to convey, the perfect opportunity was my agreement with many of your proposals.

You have been complaining to me, that I side with GC's point of views and not TC's, and that has been true for the most part in the last month or so, because you had been such a "Lightning Rod" for attention, with some of your comments, that went way against my views about human dignity and rights, that at times, you came across totally "empty feelings" towards your fellow man on the island.

I am human just like everyone else and I do not want any harm to come to any human being but I have to provide a safe and comfortable life for my family, the ones i love and my community, if its a choice between the TRNC with all its problems and throwing them into turmoil and possible hardship and danger with agreeing to a solution that is not imo right then excuse me but i will choose the TRNC every time, because unlike you i live here and will be effected by the changes.

Although you say we have had peace the last 33 years, it's a little misleading VP. It's like saying," we are a rich country, when there are homeless people on the streets", which is the case in the USA: Some are rich and some are homeless. In Cyprus you may be at peace with your life, but there are those who have lost their rights to their property, are not at peace, both TC's and GC's. I hope you can differentiate and see my point.

When I say peace I refer to a peaceful exsistence, which do you prefer the last 33 years? or the years between 1963 and 1974?, well forgive me but when we were living those 11 years I did not notice many GC "brothers" running to my families assistence protecting or feeding please try to understand the difference between refugees with nothing and those with everything at their disposal.

Which is more important Life or Property? for me Life is and will always be first but the impression we get from many GCs is that property appears to be moe important than life and security.

Saying the above I will say again that I still believe that all refugees shoudl be given their property rights back today, that why the propert commission is importnant, as this gives the GCs the right they see fit for me in the south (level field).

I don't know why you think I want your or your families head on the chopping block. I'm pushing for our own state within Cyprus, where as you're pushing for our own state, "out side" Cyprus. That is where we differ. I have told you and others, I do not care what political views each of us have, but be prepared to be confronted, when I believe it is the wrong one, and of course, you get to have the same option also.

Just for one minute stop to think why this man is agreeing with me on the state issues but appears to question the federal level of one country. From the experience of the past 3 years I do not hold out much hope in building such a union as GCs I question and look with suspicion at a people who still have problems working closely with us to develop relations and include us into the "RoC" structure. The mentality we do see is continue to take measures and actions to isolate and alienate the TCs which is working and has hardened the TC feelings towards wanting a solution. So as a person who lives on the island please allow me the small privilidege of knowing my own mind and why I do not feel comfortable with uniting with people who do everything within their power to keep me at a disadvantage and therefore not an equal, thats why I feel the level playing field is important to ensure both sides negotiate without any disadvantages.

Anyway, show more of your human side more often,

Ho believe me I am human and maybe you can remember this next time you try to attack me personally.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:12 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: you continuing to earn the current negativity (65%) from TCs towards uniting with GCs.

Come on VP, this 65% you're tossing around every time, and even if it's true, most of them must be those who have made financial gains, through the "Back door", at the expense of others, and will hold genuine TC's from becoming a majority to strive for a solution. So in other words, we will allow "unethical" people make the rules for us in the "TRNC", when we can make "honourable" rules for our own state, in a 2 state 1 country solution.

Kikapu why are you trying to make excuses? and not trying to understand why this figure has appeared which is imo right because I work and live with TCs everyday and i would easily say that since the referendum TCs have detached themselves from a federal solution and moved to the idea that maybe we are better off going it alone or as we are. People like you and GCs should really be considering how to reverse this tide, it wouldnt take very much to enact positive steps to show TCs that they are better off wanting a united island rather than going it alone.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:19 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Anyway, show more of your human side more often,

Ho believe me I am human and maybe you can remember this next time you try to attack me personally.

A good slap, deserves another. :!: :!:

It is only fair. :idea: :idea:
Last edited by Kikapu on Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:19 pm

Viewpoint this is becoming disgusting really.

This post "Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:56 pm" and this post "Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:27 pm" are two different people mate. I never stuck on you, nor do I want to start all over again the previous pushing others did on you, but I tell you I don't like this. If there is someone else writing from the same computer tell him or her to use his own nick damn it.
This is becoming more and more confussing, it's like Zan having vocations in mrfromng house and they both use the same nickname. Well they have the same views on the Cyprob but they are different people if this ever happens it's like ridiculing and laughing at everyone behind their backs!

I personally liked the previous person who wrote on Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:56 pm, this is the VP I got used to and like to talk with, the other person is allien to me...
And don't tell me I am just seeing things, it's becoming more and more obvious. Sorry but is has to end.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:27 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint this is becoming disgusting really.

This post "Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:01 am" and this post "Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:27 pm" are two different people mate. I never stuck on you, nor do I want to start all over again the previous pushing others did on you, but I tell you I don't like this. If there is someone else writing from the same computer tell him or her to use his own nick damn it.
This is becoming more and more confussing, it's like Zan having vocations in mrfromng house and they both use the same nickname. Well they have the same views on the Cyprob but they are different people if this ever happens it's like ridiculing and laughing at everyone behind their backs!

I personally liked the previous person who wrote on Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:01 am, this is the VP I got used to and like to talk with, the other person is allien to me...
And don't tell me I am just seeing things, it's becoming more and more obvious. Sorry but is has to end.

Can you supply details of the posts as I have checked the times and they do not match with yours....where are you getting your information?
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