erolz wrote:Talk about regurgitating tierd old worn out propaganda like a stuck record! In 1960 the TC community decide it wanted to steal 37% of Cyprus from the GC community. So it agreed a settlement then forced it to break down then convinced the GC to attack them, then picked up their belongings moved into tent cities (buring their own homes along the way in many cases and killing their own women men and children for good measure) lived in these for upto 11 years and then waited for the GC and Greece to start killing each other and execute a coup - all because they kenw in the end they would be able to steal 37% of Cyprus from the GC. The whole thing has always been about TC greed. All the death, all the suffering, all the pain was all down to TC wanting to steal from GC.
Piratis wrote:The greediness of some people is without any limits. They want to illegally occupy just for themselves the 37% of the island (while the are just 18%), and at the same time share the remaining of the island.
Actually there is a certain level of historic truth in the above, even if this was not your intention to write. The idea of partitioning Cyprus with the northern part going to Turkey appeared first sometime in the late 1950's when the island was still a British colony, and if I am not mistaken the percentage of the north part was not too different from the 37 % that is being occupied by Turkey at present.
It is also true that after intercommunal violence broke out again in December 1963, the TMT "strongly encouraged" (to put it mildly) many TC's to leave their homes behind and relocate into economically unviable (but strategically located) enclaves which in the event of an invasion could serve as Turkey's bridgeheads in Cyprus, as it did happen. At the same time it is not a secret that several TC's were murdered by the TMT because they either advocated cooperation with the GC's or simply because they did not agree with Turkey's partition policy in Cyprus. Maybe it is not all "propaganda" after all.
Othellos wrote:
Actually there is a certain level of historic truth in the above, even if this was not your intention to write. The idea of partitioning Cyprus with the northern part going to Turkey appeared first sometime in the late 1950's when the island was still a British colony, and if I am not mistaken the percentage of the north part was not too different from the 37 % that is being occupied by Turkey at present.
Othellos wrote:
It is also true that after intercommunal violence broke out again in December 1963, the TMT "strongly encouraged" (to put it mildly) many TC's to leave their homes behind and relocate into economically unviable (but strategically located) enclaves which in the event of an invasion could serve as Turkey's bridgeheads in Cyprus, as it did happen.
Othellos wrote:
At the same time it is not a secret that several TC's were murdered by the TMT because they either advocated cooperation with the GC's or simply because they did not agree with Turkey's partition policy in Cyprus.
Othellos wrote:
Maybe it is not all "propaganda" after all.
Yes proposals along partion lines existed in the 50s - I do not doubt that. That is however very different from saying that TC (as commuity) had a 'secret' plan to achieve this aim and thus created all the suffering of TC by themselves as a means of securing this political aim - with GC doing nothing against the TC community.
The primary reason TC left their homes was fear of attack (and experience of attakc) from GC. That is without doubt in my opinion. It is certainly true that some elements of TMT did use 'pressure' (upto and including killing) to keep them from returning but they did not make them refugess in the first place. They became refugess because of the attacks by the larger stronger GC community (which also had all the power of the state by that time). That they went to enclaves that were to some degree 'protectable' by the meager TC force we did have is nothing other than inevitable.
It is true that such TC - TC killings did occur (as did GC - GC) and I have never denied it. However that that is true does not offer any proof for the lies that everything that happend to TC in this period was down to TC greed and a secret long term plan they had to 'steal' from GC - which is the rubbish Piratis is pedling.
Neither does it prove or mean that the weaker smaller and vulnerable TC community was not subject to an organised and systematic attack on it from the larger stronger GC community as ameans to achieveing GC political aims that it had agreed to forego only 3 years earlier.
What is propaganda is the idea that everything can be explaind by the fact that TC are sneaky theives as a people and that they 'orchistrated' all the pain and suffering and violence they experinced and inflicted it on themselves - so as to achieve 'stealing' form GC 11 years later.
What is also propaganda is the recent statement by TP that no TC was killed by a GC in the period of 63-74.
These are 'just' propaganda.
Othellos wrote:
What is it that makes you doubt that the Turkish side had its own secret plans that aimed in partitioning the island, especially when one such plan bearing the signatures of Kucuk and Denktash was found? A document that was dated 16/9/63 was found in the Vice President's office after inter communal violence broke out in December 1963. This plan (should one call it the "Denktahs-Kucuk" plan?) outlined a series of Turkish actions that aimed in partitioning Cyprus and establishing the foundations for a separate TC state through exploiting any GC ambitions to revise the Cypriot constitution. Among other things, the Turkish plan called for the creation of an "autonomous" TC administration as well as the withdrawal of the Turkish Cypriot VP, the MP’s and the civil servants from their offices and posts in order to assume responsibilities in the new "administration". The same plan also called for the concentration of TC's in one larger area in case hostilities broke out. And somewhere within its lines there was even a provision about importing "tourists" from Turkey so that the number of Turks on the island would increase. Doesn't all that sound familiar?
Othellos wrote:
It is a fact that the because of the fighting there was a number of refugees from both sides. An independent committee that investigated the issue reported in 1/2/64 that about 5,500 TC's and 1,600 GC's were displaced because of the fighting. The UN Secretary General, estimated that eventually about 25,000 TC's were moved from their homes into other more predominantly Turkish towns or villages (enclaves). It therefore seems that 4 out of every 5 TC refugees from that time were displaced in accordance to the above-mentioned plan and upon Ankara's orders (who is therefore also responsible for making them refugees in the first place), not only by exploiting their justified under the circumstances fears but also by forcing them to move when they refused to do so.
Othellos wrote:
Locking up about half of the island's TC population into military governed and economically unviable enclaves and exploiting them as a "strategic minority" served only Ankara and no one else. Having said that, I have no doubt that some short-sighted GC's failed to see that in the long run all these made ordinary TC's (and eventually GC's) to pay the price for Turkey's expansionist games in Cyprus.
Othellos wrote:
While I can see your "steal" point, at the end of the day this is what happened. Since the 1950's there has always been a Turkish plan to divide Cyprus permanently.
Othellos wrote:
Your overall position on this issue and about the lack of a Turkish plan btw may be self-contradicting. If the Turkish leadership was not acting upon a plan all these years as you are perhaps suggesting, then one may be compelled to seek a more "logical" explanation for their actions in the "looters and thieves" "theory".
Othellos wrote:
Personally I do not consider those TC's (or GC's) who currently reside in GC (or TC) owned properties as thieves as long as they a) recognize that these properties are not theirs and b) as long as they are ready to return them to their rightful owners when the time comes (if ever).
Othellos wrote:
Looking at the whole picture, I would not say that the numerically smaller TC community in Cyprus is weaker when compared to the GC's. After all, the GC's are a majority in Cyprus but a minority in the region.
Othellos wrote:
On the other hand, it is true that like the TC's, the GC's also had their own political aims which included ridding themselves from all those Constitutional provisions which they considered (and which to a great extend they were) unfair and had a practical impact on them.
Othellos wrote:
The given lack of trust between the 2 communities as well as the failure of Makarios and Kucuk to discuss openly and honestly their respective concerns as well as what was already going on in Cyprus in the first years of Independence did not help in averting a crisis that could have been easily predicted and that eventually broke out.
Othellos wrote:
That was just too bad for all of us here in Cyprus, because when it comes to the peaceful coexistence and cooperation among people who belong in different ethnic groups, honesty is not an option but an absolute requirement.
Othellos wrote:
What is important though is that to this date no GC has ever made a serious attempt to deny that there were TC's who died or who went missing in 1963-1964 or even 1974.
Othellos wrote:
On the other hand, many in the TC side regard themselves as the sole victims in the events of 1963-64 and beyond - this claim is not true and therefore just as nonsense.
Othellos wrote:
To best of my knowledge, after 1967 and up to July 1974, there was no more violence between the 2 communities. If someone knows otherwise please provide some information because I am very interested to know. So, unless otherwise proved, talking about TC casualties and refugees between 1963-74 instead of 1963-67 is plain propaganda. And to deliberately remain silent about the fact that during the same period there were also GC dead, missing and refugees is not only propaganda but also hypocritical.
However the reason why there was no violence from 67 onwards is in my view primarily down to the fact that the need for violence was no longer there (on the part of the GC). TC no longer had any say in the government of Cyprus. They could only have a say on condition of the acceptance of the ammendments to the consitution (without any negotiation). Turkey had been blocked internationaly from intervening. Violence in this period would not have served GC intrests (like they did in the previous period) any longer. They would of course have served the interests of TC determined to partition the island - yet they did not occur.
Where is this document? Can I see it (a copy of it)? Has it been published by TC or Turkish sources (like the Akritas plan has by GC)? Has it been tacitly accepted by Denktash (as Clerides does the Akritas plan). I am not saying it does not exist. I am saying that you just saying it exists and telling me what it said is not enough for me.
I am sorry but I just do not accept this theisis of yours. Yes some GC were displaced - for a number of days. They were not a numrical minority in the Island, miltiary weaker and under a government in sole control of an antagonistic community. Neither had their homes been burnt to the ground in any siginificant ways.
People do not just up and leave their homes at the say so of a political 'leadership' and the very idea that this is what the majority of TC did is just rubbish. There was not widespread and systematic 'forcing' of TC to leave their homes by TC - that was done by GC predominatly.
Some short sighted GC? Let's be clear here. It was the GC STATE that was systematicaly promoting and organising violence against the TC community (as laid out in the Akritas plan). This was not a case of a few short sighted GC without any real power and influence in Cyprus.
Maybe there was. However such a plan could never have come to frutition without the very real oppression of TC by a larger stronger GC community. Without the insistance that the TC community must subject itself to the total control of a larger stronger GC community, that had shown no concern for TC and their desires and had been directly involved in organising and sponsoring violence against the TC community
Look the TC community was under assult - whatever their leaderships long term motives. We were under assult from a numricaly larger and stronger GC community. Certainly there were hopes that Turkey would come and resuce us from this situation. However without the assult of the GC community on the TC there would have been no need ofr rescuing from Turkey and no way that the isalnd could or would have been partioned.
My Aunt recognises that her house was owned by a GC before 74. She would return it if a fair settlement is reached. Do you think it is reasonable for her to consider that she too is due some compensation for her loss then before she returns this house to its former owners?
Certainly the presence of Turkey 40 miles off the coast of Cyprus offered some protection for the TC in cyprus. It stoped for example an all out overnight massacare of TC and limited the degree and spped with which GC could oppress the TC minority. But in Cyprus itself the fact remains that there was one community that was numericaly stronger, mititarily stronger and in control of all the powers of the state that was organising and supporting the oppression of a smaller and weaker TC community.
The proposed changes to the agreed consistuion made by Makarios were not designed to make the RoC 'function' based on the principals of the 1960 agreements. It was designed to totaly change the whole baisis of the state and to effectively make the TC community a political minority. Something that we are being told today is still a requirment of a united Cyprus by many GC here.
Makarios originally planned to announce the ammendments as being in effect unilateraly and without ANY discussion with the TC. He was only averted from doing so by intense British pressure, after which he put out a press release saying the ammendments announced were in fact only 'proposals'. After the violence broke out in 63 and the British managed to get the two sides to a conference it was a pre condtion of the GC side that the ammendments be accepted in full and without any negotiation before the TC could return to government.
Your leadership at the time did not see the events developing in 63-64 as 'too bad for GC'. They saw it as being exactly what they wanted to achieve (as laid out in the Akitas plan). GC were in sole control of the government. Acceptance of the 'proposed' ammendments to the consitution where made a pre condition of TC returning to government (a government in which they would have been reduced to a political minority) and the possibility of Turkish intervention had been avioded. Everything was going according to the plan.
You mean no GC here? TP is certainly a GC and also the president of the GC community (and claims to be OUR president too) and he DID make thse claims.
I will admit (and do admit and have admited) that we were not the sole victims. Will you admit that we were overridingly the vicitims of this period in either absolute terms or proprtional to the sizes of the two communites?
I use the dates 63-74 as a shorthand. If you prefer I will split the dates (as Isan regularly does for example). However the reason why there was no violence from 67 onwards is in my view primarily down to the fact that the need for violence was no longer there (on the part of the GC). TC no longer had any say in the government of Cyprus. They could only have a say on condition of the acceptance of the ammendments to the consitution (without any negotiation). Turkey had been blocked internationaly from intervening. Violence in this period would not have served GC intrests (like they did in the previous period) any longer. They would of course have served the interests of TC determined to partition the island - yet they did not occur.
I do not remain silent about the fact that GC died in this period or went missing or were made refugess. Do you 'remain silent' that overiddingly in this period it was TC that dies , went missing and became refugees? (again both absolutely and proportionaly to thier respective populations sizes)?
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