Radio wrote:Lena,
We are singing from the same hymn sheet, just in different keys, that's all.
You are looking at the situation with the confidence and aspiration of youth; I'm looking at it with the experience of age (please note I say experience - not wisdom !).
Out of necessity (jobs won't come to you, you have to go to them)
In his initial posting jayt makes the definitive statement, "we are relocating to Cyprus this year" and asks whether they should settle in Paphos or Limassol.
Perhaps the first question should have been not which town in Cyprus but which country in the world offers the best opportunities for the welfare and well-being of his family. If he was single I would share your views, Lena, and say just go for it, but having responsibility for a young family means a more circumspect approach.
He agrees that not speaking Greek will be a hindrance to getting employment; you say start lessons as soon as you arrive. Why not start them now in UK ?. He's a salesman, a respectable profession, but one that depends on fluent communication skills. If you don't speak the language of your potential customers you aren't going to get very far.
If I wasn't genuinely concerned that possibly he hasn't given this enough thought, I wouldn't have devoted so much time to this thread. It would be interesting to know the views of his wife and teenage child on the planned move as, obviously, he will need their full support.
Finally, I wish jayt and his family every sucesss with the move, and hope he will do us the courtesy of keeping us informed of his progress.
Radio … you are not exactly right … we are not singing from the same hymn sheet. You lost your own and you just glance at my sheet…kidding

this thread was a bit more intense that it should be.
Anyway, you are right to all this but I hope you get my point. And few corrections to your post…I said that they have to start Greek lessons as soon as possible…WITHOUT ANY as soon as you arrive. As soon as possible it means now if its possible, tomorrow if its possible…the sooner the better…kind of!!!
Also jayt makes the definitive statement as you said that he is going to relocate…that means I guess that he already made up his mind…am I correct or my English level is that low. He just wanted advice which city should he prefer and why! Not if it was good idea and if he has to reconsider other countries. If it that what he asked…I apologised to you and to jayt.
Finally I would like to wish too, to jayt and his family all the best for the future and all his dreams to come true!!!!