villawagen wrote:my dad had a hillman minx, just like yours devil !!! he loved the bench seat in the front and the colombe change gears and was a two tone green colour, he really did love this car and always said it was the best car he ever had. my older brother (who now lives in paphos) smashed it into the back of another car, in birmingham city centre, a week after he passed his test !!! my dad was not happythat was about 1968 i think.
Svetlana wrote: I will not bore you with the cars that I have owned but if I look back I am embarrassed by my 'carbon footprint':
1 x 6700cc, 2 x 6000cc, 1 x 5600cc, 1 x 5000cc, 1 x 4600cc, 1 x 4500cc, 1 4200cc and so on
jody wrote:Mine was a blue ford fiesta get this i called it Beryl ask me why i do not know but she was a great little car for the year until i came home from work got off the train went to go and get in her and she was gone couldn't believe it thought i was going mad xx
Jody xx
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