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The Yanks Are At It AGAIN!!

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Postby karma » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:47 pm

US wld open a pida shop in Limassol :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:26 am

This time the US intelligence is correct about Iran supplying arms to the insurgents in Iraq.But then again, Blind Freddie can see that...I agree with miltiades that Bush will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons,if that is what they are doing of which I am not so sure.But he will use that excuse to bomb Iran and most of Iran's military capabilities will be blown sky high,because as I said in another thread that is the only way Bush can stop the Shias winning power in Iraq. It won't be pretty and Bush will probably be tried for Crimes Against Humanity sometime in the distant future,if someone does not blow him up first...We live in interesting times,as the Chinese curse goes.
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:23 am

ofcource they give them guns !!
did anyone all that time thought otherwise ? !!
and not only iraq , but hizpollaz as well. and they finance hamas.

its one of those things that the US hawks didnt think about. so long iraq was standing , it always posed a thread for iran. by destroying iraq, they created a country with regional hegemonic ambitions. and a country who has reasons to fear of its security.

well... they should have predicted that as well.... but apparently they didnot.... another sign of inability :?
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