GorillaGal, you seem to have an extraordinary overview of the situation in Iraq and deserve some praise for your constant defence of your country's involvement.
Have you considered, I wonder, just what the previous comments you made regarding the rights of the women of Iraq imply ?.
Your idea of 'freedom' is ideally suited to your own decadent culture, where women parade the streets half naked spouting foul language, smoking, drinking and behaving in a fashion that would be an embarrassment to a mule!, do you seriously advocate that this conduct should be adopted by the respectable women of Iraq.
I choose the word 'decadence' advisedly since it means:- of a lower standard than previously existed, in particular with regard to morals.
Would you dis-agree with that interpretation, regardless of the nonsense advanced by our friend 'miltiades'?.
As to your contention that future generations will look back and consider it all worth while, I wonder if the current descendants of the 'Red Indian' races would subscribe to that observation.
You may feel that the gift of 'freedom' your country offers is of value from your stand-point, others, particularly those who are more concerned with their 'spiritual' development and less with their 'bodily' attributes, should be allowed to maintain their respectability, or would you prefer to drag them into the quagmire of filth that permeates your own nation?.