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Postby OB1 » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:37 am

PLEASE STATE ONLY ONE ANSWER. do not write.....the aeroplane crashed because of this or because of that....just one answer
Im really looking fwd for this
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:50 am

OB1, since you have imposed restrictions on answering your question, you have removed the possibility of anyone being able to do so, other than as suggested below:-

Helios crashed because it hit the ground at high speed !.

Under the terms of your restriction, I think that is the only possible answer. :? :? :? :? :?
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Postby RichardB » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:59 am

Do you mean the Plane or the company?

If the Company then it crashed because it didnt pay its bills
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:07 pm

RichardB, the actual aeroplane was specified by OB1, I do not think he was alluding to the financial state of the airline. :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:38 pm

OOPs Then I must concur with your good self on the answer Eliko :oops:
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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:19 pm

The only people who know the definitive answer are now dead, since they were on the plane.

But my understanding is that air accident investigators concluded that the cabin pressurization system failed and hence everyone on board lost conciousness and the plane just kept flying until it ran out of fuel. With no fuel, and no-one to control it, the plane hit the ground.

I also read something about the fact that 2 flight crew managed to use oxygen bottles to stay concious, but were unable to get onto the flight deck to help the flight crew because the plane's computers automatically kept the cabin door locked until the fuel ran out. And the reason for this was part of anti-terrorism measures.

I wondered if you were perhaps trying to make some sort of point here, and I wondered if that point might be to campaign against such anti-terrorism measures on aircraft?

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Postby OB1 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:10 am

The point i was trying to make is simple '' does anyone have any idea why the aircraft crashed....was it because of bad service or pilot error?
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Postby Pete_D » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:17 am

OB1 wrote:The point i was trying to make is simple '' does anyone have any idea why the aircraft crashed....was it because of bad service or pilot error?

Why are "bad service" or "pilot error" the only options you have listed?

I guess my explanation has ruled out "pilot error" so what makes you think "bad service" (by which I guess you mean "servicing of the plane not carried out correctly, in accordance to the manufacturer's recommendations) is the only other possibility?
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Postby Pete_D » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:19 am

C'mon OB1, I'm sure the force is with you, I'm sure you haven't turned to the dark side yet, save us OB1.... you're our only hope! Tell us your agenda!

(I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the star wars references any longer :D :D :D)
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Postby OB1 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:32 am

Pete_D wrote:C'mon OB1, I'm sure the force is with you, I'm sure you haven't turned to the dark side yet, save us OB1.... you're our only hope! Tell us your agenda!

(I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the star wars references any longer :D :D :D)

may the force be with you Pete.
It seams that i have some dificulty passing the obvious.No im not saying that the only reasons are pilot error or maintenance, but after all we all heard in the local channels about EVERYTHING (always enhanced by the escording music) what does the people FINALLY think about the cause. Because thouse days everybody was an expert......thats it Pete
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