shahmaran wrote:pitsilos wrote:shahmaran, i already said the french are in the wrong in shuting down freedom of speech.
now i just clicked on one link and read only one.
this one,,1892412,00.htmlnow this article does not offer any proof or evidense at all, it only says less people were killed from a common cold.

i agree with tukey's stand on this one. france can't demand the high ground when it expects different from turkey.
are you sure you know what proof is mate. something directly out of the archives. have you got anything?
turkey doesn't need armenia to open the archives. she can do all that her self rather than go around kissing yanking ass mate. its embarrasing, when you claim you have archives and proof and you prefer to kiss ass instead.
pistilos your argument is geting weaker by the minute MATE, i see you have not taken the time to read anything and you are very happily spilling your ignorance one more if it doesnt aggree with you its either PROPAGANDA or NOT WORTH READING or IGNORANCE or BULLSHIT FROM A YOUNG PERSON....nice

im sorry but you only read 1 and you still talk?! try the others they are all about different points, if you want something from the Ottoman archives them im sorry but i cant help you, however i still think this is more than what you had to offer as an "argument" and still have the face to desperately hold on to a few minor points you made which was hardly relevant...
Armenia does NOT allow the questioning of the genocide, as far as they are concerned IT HAS HAPPENED and anyone who doubts it can go to jail, as people have when they tried to investigate the case in Armenia, thats why they reject Turkeys offers for investigation by saying there is nothing to investigate, so either read the rest of the sites or just cut the crap MATE!
...oh and Americas self interest based stance on the matter hardly changes the truth, so Gul kissing US ass holds no weight for the actual truth of the genocide, those are just the typical greedy yanky assholes who are ready to do anything for a bit of oil...
good morning sunshine,
it was 2:00 am and i was finishing some deadlines. this forum is a side line for amusement. sorry i tried for the record but i couldn't even come close.

needed to go to bed.
i picked that particular news article, because, i thought, being english it would have given me a short article to read.
I am going to try one more an make it simple for your shahmaran.
here we go.
i said france is wrong in trying to shut down freedom of speech, in a democracy, regardless of how wrong it is. people are not sheep, well with the exemption of the US

, and are more than capable in making their own mind when evidence are shown. shutting down freedom of speech, firstly, have you got something to hide comes to mind, and secondly discourages finding facts.
in one sence what france is trying to do is not helluva different to what turkey is doing, except they are on the opposite scale. we can argue on this till the cows come home, but at the end of the day they are both wrong.
I still can't see, and a few clippings ain't gonna cut it, as to why turkey does't open her books encourage a debate within your own historians and present the facts to the world. now when you present facts, history to the world, it cannot be seen as propaganda, coz you are also presenting facts.
what we have today, is turkey not calling it a genocide and disputing the numbers. well my question is if the archives are shut, and turkey is inviding armenia to do it together, how on earth does turkey know if it was or wasn't a genocide and how many people died if the archives are still shut? or if she has proof why not present the facts from the archives? you said your self you haven't got any.
i have been consistant in what i am saying and so far you still don't see the point.
another point that baffles me is why go to the us and plead for a presidential veto for a non recognition when you got the answers? surely you must conceed doing so, you will pay for it ten fold. such actions can only question your credibility, you know this and i know this and the whole world knows this. I would say the concessions will go along these lines.
1...establishment for a kurdistan incl kirkuk
2...maybe the war with iran is already started, the planning at least, coz the yanks ain't gonna have a repeat of the last time.
what amazes me is that turkey would rather conceed to all these demands, well any demands, knowing this will come up again in a couple of years. similar to a crack junky.
all these logical reasons must raise suspicions as to why turkey ain't opening all those archives and presenting the evidence.
how can turkey deny the charges if she is not willing to present evidents. its call tried and guilty in absentia. you can scream all you want shahmaran but i am afraid world opinion ain't gonna change and you can sit there and scream unfair, while you know and i know turkey is doing shit to change world opinion.
open the archives, encourage healthy debates with your own historians, let the facts freely flow without intimidation and lets see what happens. such turkey in my book would mean an asset to the world.
now shahmaran is the above propaganda or have you got a new word for it.
...oh and Americas self interest based stance on the matter hardly changes the truth, so Gul kissing US ass holds no weight for the actual truth of the genocide, those are just the typical greedy yanky assholes who are ready to do anything for a bit of oil...
on the contrary shahmaran, let me ask you, if the genocide ain't true why would gul go all the way to the other side of the world to kiss ass and concede concessions? anything to hide perhaps?