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Are We Really Headin 4 Partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:55 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu
1. I'm not a Greek Cypriot. I'm a Turkish Cypriot. I thought you would have learned that much over the last 10 months, since I have been on the Forum.

I cannot be sure 100% on this issue as you cannot be about me, we can only according to what people post.

2. You don't want an Army, that's just fine by me. I was thinking more for the TC's, for wanting some security. So I guess, security is of no concern to the TC's, so in that case, lets get rid of all the armies from both sides, in the first year of 10 years re-unification process.

What do we have to fear if there is no army? the GCs will not be able to attack us and we will not be able to attack them due to having no arms or forces to manipulate and direct at the other state.

3. No, there won't be 20 GC representatives from the "North", or 20 TC's from the "South". There will be 20 TC's from the "North" and 80 Gc's representatives from the "South" in the 100 seat Federal representatives. You are getting the Federal Government 100 seats confused with the local State representatives, for each side, that may have very few GC's in the "North" and very few TC's in the "South", depending who will vote for them. My guess is, it will take many years, before we will see any TC's in the "South" or GC',s in the "North", voted for office, in the LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

This is where I think the GC will have problems accepting that all the reps from the North are TCs as they have in the past argued this is discrimination and that if a GC resides in the North he to should have the right to be elected just like a TC.

4. I don't know what the RoC wants or not want. I'm giving you my version of how to "level the playing field" that you have been asking for. Why don't we propose this to them, and see what they would say. If they don't want partition to happen, or keep the present situation going as is, then such proposals need to come forward, to explore what possibilities are out there.

That's why we need a GC view as some of the suggestion like opening ports is something to which they object to 100%, in all honesty there is an element of we have all the goodies why the hell do we want to unite with the north, have you accounted for this attitude? A GC from Baf who is not a refugee or has no ties with the north does really want the boat rocked and will be against any solution. Id say this accounts for a large portion of the NO vote at the last referendum, the GC have what they want a GC state where they are in control and they do not have to share anything, the only problem is the refugees and wanting more land other than that they have what they want.

5. Lets hear from others, as to what they would propose.

OK lets hear from the GCs what they think of your proposals.


1. Perhaps you missed this post way back, so have a read, and if you have any questions, let me know, as to who I am. July 3rd 2006

2. Do not let my "Independent thinking and fair minded person for wanting a fair solution for all Cypriots" lead you astray, of my ethnicity.

3. As I said, I'm also happy for not wanting an Army. In fact, Piratis is of the same thinking, which he had expressed many times before. More money for other things.

4. The GC's will have to accept the "20 true TC's" and "80 true GC's" in the 100 seat Federal Government "Congress" as per Kifeas's Plan. As for local State seats, it should be open to all. After all, all citizens will want the best for their State and local community, within their State, "North" or "South" that they live in.

5. As Pyropolizer said yesterday, if the RoC opened up Ercan and Famagusta Ports right now, what assurances will they have, that we would want to unite 10 years later. I believe, if we reciprocate with counter gesture of goodwill every time they do something to better the situation of all those in the "North", then TRUST can be achieved, as time goes on.

6. So the person from Baf does not have any ties to the "North" as far as property goes, but I can't believe anyone would want to lose part of their country, all the same. California is about 800 miles long from North to South and 200 miles wide, West to East, and it had been suggested before to split the State into 2 ( North & South ) or even into 3 ( North, Central & South). It will never happen, because we love all of California, as it is now.

7. I too would like to get some feedback about this proposals from the GC's and TC's.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:39 am

1. Perhaps you missed this post way back, so have a read, and if you have any questions, let me know, as to who I am. July 3rd 2006

OK, I have my opinions and I think we should not take this any further as it serves no purpose.

2. Do not let my "Independent thinking and fair minded person for wanting a fair solution for all Cypriots" lead you astray, of my ethnicity.

So do you feel I am any different? I to want a fair solution.

4. The GC's will have to accept the "20 true TC's" and "80 true GC's" in the 100 seat Federal Government "Congress" as per Kifeas's Plan. As for local State seats, it should be open to all. After all, all citizens will want the best for their State and local community, within their State, "North" or "South" that they live in.

Really its the GCs you have to convince here as it will be them that will never be able to represent the state they live in.

3. As I said, I'm also happy for not wanting an Army. In fact, Piratis is of the same thinking, which he had expressed many times before. More money for other things.

I agree.

5. As Pyropolizer said yesterday, if the RoC opened up Ercan and Famagusta Ports right now, what assurances will they have, that we would want to unite 10 years later. I believe, if we reciprocate with counter gesture of goodwill every time they do something to better the situation of all those in the "North", then TRUST can be achieved, as time goes on.

How? easy to say difficult to achieve as the GCs have the recognition goodies then its up to them to take this step forward. Plus the opposite does not really have the desired effect, you can see form the past 33 years.

6. So the person from Baf does not have any ties to the "North" as far as property goes, but I can't believe anyone would want to lose part of their country, all the same. California is about 800 miles long from North to South and 200 miles wide, West to East, and it had been suggested before to split the State into 2 ( North & South ) or even into 3 ( North, Central & South). It will never happen, because we love all of California, as it is now.

I think this way of thinking is wider spread then you appreciate I have spoken to GCs and they say the GCs who live on the coast of south Cyprus don't care about unification they are more interested in getting richer and the benefits of having a purely GC state. Division has helped increase their wealth and any solution would bring competition form the north that would cause them to suffer economically, add to this power sharing and you have a large number of GC voters who also prefer to stay as they are.

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Postby pitsilos » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:52 am

Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:just remember the 22 marathon within 24 hrs :lol:

you call this normal? abi?

Sorry to blow your conspiracy theories out of the water but couldnt the computer just stay logged on :wink:

do you know how stupid your comment sounds? have you got any idea? :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:56 am

pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:just remember the 22 marathon within 24 hrs :lol:

you call this normal? abi?

Sorry to blow your conspiracy theories out of the water but couldnt the computer just stay logged on :wink:

do you know how stupid your comment sounds? have you got any idea? :lol:

No becasue they are not stupid you are clutching at straws thats why you come up with these silly comments to try and divert everyones attention. Have you noticed more and more people are tell you this?
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:07 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:just remember the 22 marathon within 24 hrs :lol:

you call this normal? abi? abi normal perhaps?

Sorry to blow your conspiracy theories out of the water but couldnt the computer just stay logged on :wink:

do you know how stupid your comment sounds? have you got any idea? :lol:

No becasue they are not stupid you are clutching at straws thats why you come up with these silly comments to try and divert everyones attention. Have you noticed more and more people are tell you this?

wtf, just look at the way you construct sentences ffs. and compare it with the answers you gave kikapu, if thats not 2 different people posting, then you are a bigger fool that i thought.

can i ask if is this your computer logged on, talking on auto finger pilot? :lol:

ok which vp is this one? the stupid one?

i highlighted your responce so you know and everyone knows what we are talking about. :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:13 pm

pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:just remember the 22 marathon within 24 hrs :lol:

you call this normal? abi?

Sorry to blow your conspiracy theories out of the water but couldnt the computer just stay logged on :wink:

do you know how stupid your comment sounds? have you got any idea? :lol:

No becasue they are not stupid you are clutching at straws thats why you come up with these silly comments to try and divert everyones attention. Have you noticed more and more people are tell you this?

wtf, just look at the way your construct sentences ffs. and compare it with the answers you gave kikapu, if thats not 2 different people posting, then you are a bigger fool that i thought.

can i ask if is this your computer logged in, talking on auto finger pilot? :lol:

ok which vp is this one? the stupid one?

i highlighted your responce so you know and everyone knows what we are talking about. :lol:

Ho boo hoo pits hang me for making spelling mistakes, its the content what matters not the spelling, you are the stupid one for concentrating on spelling rather than the issues at hand.

No one can top your idiot mindset according to you I am a fool for being different people and bigger fool for being the same person man get your brain sorted out as we are on a road to nowhere with you.
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:16 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:just remember the 22 marathon within 24 hrs :lol:

you call this normal? abi?

Sorry to blow your conspiracy theories out of the water but couldnt the computer just stay logged on :wink:

do you know how stupid your comment sounds? have you got any idea? :lol:

No becasue they are not stupid you are clutching at straws thats why you come up with these silly comments to try and divert everyones attention. Have you noticed more and more people are tell you this?

wtf, just look at the way your construct sentences ffs. and compare it with the answers you gave kikapu, if thats not 2 different people posting, then you are a bigger fool that i thought.

can i ask if is this your computer logged in, talking on auto finger pilot? :lol:

ok which vp is this one? the stupid one?

i highlighted your responce so you know and everyone knows what we are talking about. :lol:

Ho boo hoo pits hang me for making spelling mistakes, its the content what matters not the spelling, you are the stupid one for concentrating on spelling rather than the issues at hand.

No one can top your idiot mindset according to you I am a fool for being different people and bigger fool for being the same person man get your brain sorted out as we are on a road to nowhere with you.

vips i see reading and comprehending is not part of your forte. :lol:

who is talking about spelling mistakes? :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:21 pm

You are a complete waste of time, don't know why I bother.

What are you talking about exactly? If you think I am 2 or 3 different people posting then you are more crazy than I thought and I wont dance with a fool, you can chase your own tail.
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:24 pm

here we go again, a different person posting yet again

men, give it a rest ffs.

ps. do you all take lunch together by any chance?
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:26 pm

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