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Are We Really Headin 4 Partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby pitsilos » Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:51 am

Well the toss up in a 2 horse race was Turkey or the GCs and you came second

how thick are you? your whole argument is for self preservation, moron

Papadop has already stated that a solution will come before you extract oil so that must tell you something he is trying to calm the whole situation down has he cannot afford a confrontation with Turkey who he knows is very serious about this issue and would not come out of this smelling of roses. Turkey has today declared they will look for oil in the same region as the GCs, now let see what you are going to do about, complain to all and sundry but poor little GC "RoC" no one seems to care or come to your aid.

another comment from the thickhead. turkey was reminded, by the us, eu and everyone else to respect the sovereignity of the roc. how did it feel been told and confirm by everyone that the roc rules the roost?

but hey good luck to you :lol: i see that contrary to what tayip said we will be a step infront of the roc, you seemed to playing follow the leader.

ps. paps told you this because its the truth moron. or you think that oil is gonna start flowing tomorrow?
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:11 am

Marcos Kyprianou gave an interesting interview to an Athens newspaper on Sunday. Marcos Kyprianou is the European Commissioner (Health and Consumer Protection) in Brussels. He is the son of the late President Kyprianou and a prominent member of DIKO party of which Papadopoulos was the President until recently.

Marcos Kyprianou has addressed the question asked in this topic and he quite diplomatically has said that the policies we are following lead to partition. He hinted that he will most probably run for President in 2013.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:20 am

pitsilos wrote:
Well the toss up in a 2 horse race was Turkey or the GCs and you came second

how thick are you? your whole argument is for self preservation, moron

Papadop has already stated that a solution will come before you extract oil so that must tell you something he is trying to calm the whole situation down has he cannot afford a confrontation with Turkey who he knows is very serious about this issue and would not come out of this smelling of roses. Turkey has today declared they will look for oil in the same region as the GCs, now let see what you are going to do about, complain to all and sundry but poor little GC "RoC" no one seems to care or come to your aid.

another comment from the thickhead. turkey was reminded, by the us, eu and everyone else to respect the sovereignity of the roc. how did it feel been told and confirm by everyone that the roc rules the roost?

but hey good luck to you :lol: i see that contrary to what tayip said we will be a step infront of the roc, you seemed to playing follow the leader.

ps. paps told you this because its the truth moron. or you think that oil is gonna start flowing tomorrow?

History repeats itself, take it you learned nothing from 1974 and are itching for more, play with that same bomb, force Turkeys hand and see where it leads you, but don't blame and cry to all and sundry like you have been doing for the past 33 years because no one gives a shit about GCs.
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Postby Issy1956 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:27 am

In your honest opinion do you think it is too late now to have anything else other than partition as the end point?

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Postby Bananiot » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:42 am

There is I believe a window of hope which may open to us provided Papadopoulos and yiorgadjiism is sent packing at the coming elections next February. It all depends on AKEL but unfortunately Christofias and Co. will not give up their prerogatives for a solution which is not desired now by the majority of the Greek Cypriots.

Meanwhile, the naive will wait for the balance of power to change ...
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Postby pitsilos » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:45 am

Viewpoint wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
Well the toss up in a 2 horse race was Turkey or the GCs and you came second

how thick are you? your whole argument is for self preservation, moron

Papadop has already stated that a solution will come before you extract oil so that must tell you something he is trying to calm the whole situation down has he cannot afford a confrontation with Turkey who he knows is very serious about this issue and would not come out of this smelling of roses. Turkey has today declared they will look for oil in the same region as the GCs, now let see what you are going to do about, complain to all and sundry but poor little GC "RoC" no one seems to care or come to your aid.

another comment from the thickhead. turkey was reminded, by the us, eu and everyone else to respect the sovereignity of the roc. how did it feel been told and confirm by everyone that the roc rules the roost?

but hey good luck to you :lol: i see that contrary to what tayip said we will be a step infront of the roc, you seemed to playing follow the leader.

ps. paps told you this because its the truth moron. or you think that oil is gonna start flowing tomorrow?

History repeats itself, take it you learned nothing from 1974 and are itching for more, play with that same bomb, force Turkeys hand and see where it leads you, but don't blame and cry to all and sundry like you have been doing for the past 33 years because no one gives a shit about GCs.

watch it sunshine
you gonna collapse from dehydration :lol:
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Postby ken910 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:06 am

from what i can see our greek neighbours do not want to live with us let alone share their wealth ,they will not even accept the fact that they r the cause of this pridicament cyprus is in and r always looking for a scapegoat for all things wrong .we have been trying to make up with our neighbour for the last 3 years but they spit in our face at every oppurtunity. how long do they think before we start returning the kindness we have been subjected to . i have witnesed on this forum when ever a greek member says anything that would bring relief to tcs or insunuate that the status quo is what they want or blame the greek goverments in any way for all the injust done to tcs they r bombarded with fanatical comments by the bullies of the community such as pitso and the gang
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Postby pitsilos » Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:50 pm

but please show us one, just one post where you actually praised in any way shape of form unification and i will show you plenty of mine. starting with this one. i would like to see a federation of 2 states sharing a one country.
you got the floor k.k.k.ken

but i wouldn't hold my breath coz, from what i gathered so far k.k.k.ken, you have signs on both ears saying "Space for Rent".
Last edited by pitsilos on Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:53 pm

shahmaran wrote:
Piratis wrote:Partition is what we have de facto today since Turkey started a war and occupied 1/3rd of Cyprus.

This will not be legalized, and this is what we will continue having until the balance of power will change and then we will take our land back.

Meanwhile we should make sure to harm our enemies that occupy our country as much as possible.

This, very neatly, sums up the kind of mentality the people of the TRNC are dealing with, except that unfortunately not everyone is as open as he is, this is the perfect example of the mentality behind every move of the the RoC and the sneeky Greeks who vaged a war upon us along with a long term agenda to claim the whole island as Greek :?

The desperate hope for the possible shift in the balance of power might help some of you sleep better at night, but the truth is that the chances of it happening is next to almost none and even if it did ever come to that, you would not be around to see it, you WILL share this island with us, so start getting used to it....

The war was started by the Turks, who are the 18% and invaded us to take the 37%.
I never said we wouldn't share, but we would only do this in a fair way.

If you don't want to share in a fair way - 18%-82% power/land/everything , then why will I want to share anything with you when(not if) the balance of power will change?

The Turks have oppressed us and violated our rights since the day they first set their foot on our island and they continue until today.So unfortunately the solution to our problem can be what they did in Crete after they had been oppressed by the Turks for centuries. (and your arrogance did let you see it coming)

We have 3500 years of history on this island. You are welcome to stay as a minority that you are, but if you continue trying to gain something more than what proportionately belongs to you, on our loss by force, then the time will come that you will have to pay for this crime of yours.

Meanwhile we will enjoy our European standards of living that we can achieve even under occupation, while you, the "winners" will do the only thing that you ever known, trying to exploit what you stole, and still you will not be able to archive anything more than your 3rd world "motherland" did.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:43 pm

Piratis wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
Piratis wrote:Partition is what we have de facto today since Turkey started a war and occupied 1/3rd of Cyprus.

This will not be legalized, and this is what we will continue having until the balance of power will change and then we will take our land back.

Meanwhile we should make sure to harm our enemies that occupy our country as much as possible.

This, very neatly, sums up the kind of mentality the people of the TRNC are dealing with, except that unfortunately not everyone is as open as he is, this is the perfect example of the mentality behind every move of the the RoC and the sneeky Greeks who vaged a war upon us along with a long term agenda to claim the whole island as Greek :?

The desperate hope for the possible shift in the balance of power might help some of you sleep better at night, but the truth is that the chances of it happening is next to almost none and even if it did ever come to that, you would not be around to see it, you WILL share this island with us, so start getting used to it....

The war was started by the Turks, who are the 18% and invaded us to take the 37%.
I never said we wouldn't share, but we would only do this in a fair way.

If you don't want to share in a fair way - 18%-82% power/land/everything , then why will I want to share anything with you when(not if) the balance of power will change?

The Turks have oppressed us and violated our rights since the day they first set their foot on our island and they continue until today.So unfortunately the solution to our problem can be what they did in Crete after they had been oppressed by the Turks for centuries. (and your arrogance did let you see it coming)

We have 3500 years of history on this island. You are welcome to stay as a minority that you are, but if you continue trying to gain something more than what proportionately belongs to you, on our loss by force, then the time will come that you will have to pay for this crime of yours.

Meanwhile we will enjoy our European standards of living that we can achieve even under occupation, while you, the "winners" will do the only thing that you ever known, trying to exploit what you stole, and still you will not be able to archive anything more than your 3rd world "motherland" did.

Looks like a dead end Piratis you carry on waiting for the "swing" in power if that makes you happy, good luck.
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