if we are heading for partition today what would you have said the last 30 years when there was no interaction?
People can now decide for themselves that there is absolutely no chance of sharing a burger with people with your mentality let alone a country.
if turkey wanted a solution she would have accepted the eu plan, which would have seen varosha returned for a re-build, with the main beneficiares being the tcs. the co-running of the ports, etc. but as usual turkey turned it down at the expence of the tcs.
Where did it say that this should happen for easing of isolation on the TCs? the EU promised and has re-confirmed this promise to bring the TCs closer to the EU by finding ways to lift isolation but didn't ask for Maras or anything else in return. This is what you want for allowing us to direct trade via joint ports and quite rightly we refused, will you also run the ports jointly?
turkey today does not want a solution and i doubt they will in the near future.
Ditto for the GC "RoC"
what the tcs are missing is that the very same thing they are asking for, preservation of their community, masters in their own domain, they are more than happy to discount it to turkey. so vp keeps on telling us. go figure.
Well the toss up in a 2 horse race was Turkey or the GCs and you came second.
and if that wasn't enough you got talat mouthing off, obviously under direct orders from turkey, with war as the last resort when it comes to the oil. as if the tcs will get any benefit out of it. i think kikapu was right the tcs will swap the oil for lemons from turkey.
Papadop has already stated that a solution will come before you extract oil so that must tell you something he is trying to calm the whole situation down has he cannot afford a confrontation with Turkey who he knows is very serious about this issue and would not come out of this smelling of roses. Turkey has today declared they will look for oil in the same region as the GCs, now let see what you are going to do about, complain to all and sundry but poor little GC "RoC" no one seems to care or come to your aid.