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Are We Really Headin 4 Partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:58 pm

shahmaran wrote:its jsut soo easy for you guys to gang up on VP, ahhh where is Zan when you need him :roll:

Kikapu, with all due respect, altho im sure you are TC (and same goes for Birkibrisli), because there is no point in doubting anything on the contrary since there is no way to proove it and i will just take your word for it, its hard to see where you draw the line between your ethnicity and your nationality, because as much as these guys here shout that they are Cypriots not Greeks, when it comes to ethnic background and the GREAT history of the Greeks with all its arts and philosophy and scientists, they sure love to take credit and BE Greek for the moment and be proud and defensive of their past and rights, however you seem to have no affiliation whatsoever with "Turkishness", and altho your political stance on the matter claims to be objective and "what is best for ALL Cypriots regardless of their ethnicity" which i do respect very much, from the view point of the people who actually live in the TRNC, you come off to being a lot more against us than with us.

Now you might say "well thats exactly BECAUSE i dont live there, and i dont feel as emotional as you do" the truth of the matter is that, WE DO live here, and we do have to face with the practical realities and difficulties of the isolations everyday of ourlives, and for you to see something like "direct flights to the TRNC" too much for us, does raise a lot of questions in ones mind about your priorities, afterall who can possibly be from the TRNC and claim that such a simple right can actually be seen as an obstacle for true peace and unity on the island, unless ofcourse you aggree on EVERYTHING with the GCs, who seem to be defending their sides a LOT more selfishly and stubbornly than you do...i dont think there is 1 GC here that is as "objective" as you are...

i really do think that your "objective" point of view on the matter is highly tilted to the south and im sure it would have been different if you did actually live amongst us and faced with the reality of Cyprus every day...and by that i mean in the TRNC.


Thanks for your post. I told you before, that I like you and also what you write, even though you do get emotional sometimes ( join the club ). As Bir said before, we can detach ourselves from the everyday crab that you have to go through, to have a decent life, and there is nothing more than I want, is for you to have a better life, but come on, a "non-stop" flight is what we have been waiting for all these years. Is this our end game objectives in Cyprus, so that mrfromng can get to his Villa, an hour earlier. I don't care how long his flight takes to arrive, because I care more for the Greater Cause to all the TC's in a Democratic, 2 state 1 Nation solution, where we can all enjoy simple luxuries of life, as most GC's seem to enjoy, just a stone throw away. I'm sure you have heard this saying, but it is appropriate, "give a hungry man a fish to eat today, he will be hungry again tomorrow, but teach him to fish, and he can have fish every day". I see the direct flight argument just a ploy to benefit the few. I want to teach all to fish, so that they can support themselves. Just because my arguments goes against those who want partition, it is very easy for them to claim my views are one sided. Well my friend, I'm on the side for all of us. Is there anything wrong with that, or do I have to choose one or the other.

Have you ever been to an ice cream shop and wanted more than one flavour, but you just take one scoop and walk out, still thinking the other flavour that you did not choose instead. You know what I always do, I take both the flavours, piled on top of each other. It is the same with the Cyprus situation, I take it all, because at the end, I will enjoy all of it, and not just part of it.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:40 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
I let it pass as I didn't see the point arguing but then when other Tcs also started to question your ethnic origin it brought back my suspicions, why don't you put things to rest and give a verse in Turkish of your life in old Cyprus, I know this may not be that convincing but at least we will know whether you know any Turkish. Another point that brings doubt is that you argue your points like a GCs mostly tilted in their direction which leads us to believe they are in the right and we are in the wrong. You never say I want this for TCs you claim to be balanced but unfortunately we Cypriots are not blessed with this trait and therefore brings you into question. Please do not get someone else to write your paragraph as this would really defeat the object and be a lie if you know no Turkish then be honest and just say so.


Let me get this straight. I wrote a long journal for all to read of my childhood, from the first days of bullets flying in 1963, soon after you were born, and still depending on your mother's milk, written July 2006, and you want to question my ethnicity and whether I'm a TC or a GC. What are you, CRAZY. What did you think, I planted a "fairy tale" story 8 months in advance, so that I may use it one day. I think you need a stiff drink VP.

My Turkish education only went as far as age 11, and since then, it has been only in English. I can read Turkish fairly good, speak it much better, but not great writing it. I gave a sample of my Turkish writing to another member in a PM, and if they want to share it with you, they have my permission. I will not disclose who the person was.

I know you're still wondering, why not write another journal in Turkish. I can, but you might get to read it next year, when it is finished. :lol:

I have a better idea. Why don't you PM me your Mobile phone number, and I will call you anytime you give the word, by letting me know on the forum. You can pick the time, so that you know, I won't have a "Turkish impost er" standing by, to make the call for me on my behalf. I promise not to give out your phone number to anyone. You can trust my word of honour.

I do not take the side of the GC's VP, I take the side of Cyprus. The only reason you think I'm tilting towards the GC's, is because it goes against what you personally want, which I don't give a damn about, if it's not going to help the Greater Good of the TC's and GC's, and most importantly, CYPRUS. You want the playing field to be levelled, then you need to see it from both sides, and not just from ours (TC's).

I hope this has cleared up your concerns...there's always hope. :!:

I do not trust you and would never divulge my personal information to someone with your mentality and viewpoint towards his own people. You left your TC education at the age of 11 and the rest was in English well I also went through the same process but I can write Turkish, you are a diluted TC at best, a lost sole in a sea of bastardized ethnic origins, You have the audacity to argue about TCs losing their ethnic origins and culture when you are a prime example.

You are free to think and express what you want but you have no right to is tell people they are wrong when they read your posts as your post reveal who you really are and what you think, and for me you are more GC than you TC. You will never understand our feelings for the TRNC and what we live on daily basis your theories are text book and will never come to fruition as you do not under the GC mentality as well as you think you do.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:50 pm

"""You are free to think and express what you want but you have no right to is tell people they are wrong when they read your posts as your post reveal who you really are and what you think, and for me you are more GC than you TC. You will never understand our feelings for the TRNC and what we live on daily basis your theories are text book and will never come to fruition as you do not under the GC mentality as well as you think you do."""

He is more of a Cypriot than you will ever be , you have sold your Island and its people to a foreign power.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:52 pm

miltiades wrote:VP WROTE ON Kikapu:
"""You are free to think and express what you want but you have no right to is tell people they are wrong when they read your posts as your post reveal who you really are and what you think, and for me you are more GC than you TC. You will never understand our feelings for the TRNC and what we live on daily basis your theories are text book and will never come to fruition as you do not under the GC mentality as well as you think you do."""

He is more of a Cypriot than you will ever be , you have sold your Island and its people to a foreign power.

Dream on, Mr Minority.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:18 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE ON Kikapu:
"""You are free to think and express what you want but you have no right to is tell people they are wrong when they read your posts as your post reveal who you really are and what you think, and for me you are more GC than you TC. You will never understand our feelings for the TRNC and what we live on daily basis your theories are text book and will never come to fruition as you do not under the GC mentality as well as you think you do."""

He is more of a Cypriot than you will ever be , you have sold your Island and its people to a foreign power.

Dream on, Mr Minority.

So the Cypriots are the minority in Cyprus according to you are they ?
Wake up from your deep sleep and if find your self in Turkey then you are correct , but if the sun is shining then you are in Cyprus .
How dare you tell a Cypriot he is a minority in his own country ,the propaganda is getting to you mate .
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:22 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE ON Kikapu:
"""You are free to think and express what you want but you have no right to is tell people they are wrong when they read your posts as your post reveal who you really are and what you think, and for me you are more GC than you TC. You will never understand our feelings for the TRNC and what we live on daily basis your theories are text book and will never come to fruition as you do not under the GC mentality as well as you think you do."""

He is more of a Cypriot than you will ever be , you have sold your Island and its people to a foreign power.

Dream on, Mr Minority.

So the Cypriots are the minority in Cyprus according to you are they ?
Wake up from your deep sleep and if find your self in Turkey then you are correct , but if the sun is shining then you are in Cyprus .
How dare you tell a Cypriot he is a minority in his own country ,the propaganda is getting to you mate .

We TCs wake up in the TRNC every morning how about you?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:59 pm

Kikapu and miltiades...
I really do not see any point in talking to these Viewpoints any longer.There is no doubt they are employed by the TRNC Information Office or whatever they call their propaganda machine,to come here and disrupt any possible rapprochement between the two communities. Their every post is predictable and you can number their arguments as we did before, and just post numbers just as well.This is getting very boring as far as I am concerned. If someone was not working from a predetermined script,you'd get some inconsistency in their arguments every now and then. But their arguments are always the same,only their styles differ sometimes,as they change shifts. They are not very good at it,at best amatuers.They lack continuity of character and knowledge about other posters.They are in fact imposters :wink: .
I for one will ignore everything Viewpoints say from now on as if they don't exist.You can make your own minds up about what to do...
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:31 pm

Kikapu wrote: I wrote a long journal for all to read of my childhood, from the first days of bullets flying in 1963,

I read it a couple of times and still remember your uncles carpentry shop, and the days you were kept captive in that "University" and how your whole family disolved after 1963. I still remember your nice sense of humor mentioning that the TC captives were saying "hey we managed to graduate University after so long". I feel terribly sorry for what happened to so many TCs in that period and how all Cypriots lost so many compatriots and forced them to emmigrate in foreign countries for the rest of their lives….

I feel that you worth multiple times more from those that did not suffer at all, however they nourish so much unjustifiable hate for the GCs.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:46 pm

At this point I feel I also owe you a personal apology because when I joined this forum i misunderstood you and I actually treated you bad.

Sorry my friend. Mea culpa.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby T_C » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:48 pm

Kikapus PM:

Benim turkcem cok güzel degil, cunku ben son Turk okula 11 yasinda durdum Turkiyede. Onbir yastan sonra, ben Ingiltereye gitdim, ve o yastan buraya kadar yanlis Ingilizce alistim ve konustum. Ben Turkce yanlis benim ayle ile konusurum, ve oda ne saman Londuraya gitdigimde, belki senede 1 ya da 2 defa. telefonda yanlis Anneme ve babama Turkce konusurum. Kis kardeslerime ve abime yaslis Ingilizce konusurum.

Hes been away for a long time hence why he doesnt think like us but I think he is Turkish.
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