VP is trying to tell you and me, that the GCs will not accept because blah blah blah.
@ VP.
I am not going to repeat what I said, and I am not going to lay down whole lessons how bussiness, customer satisfaction, price, infrastracture,competition etc etc interelate but I tell you GC bussiness people DO NOT WORRY in case the solution will be a single state.In fact they see more prospects, because most of them deal with multiple bussiness activities.
As for the family relations we are not talking for distant relatives. We are talking for wife-husband relations (one of the 2 refugee), as well for wives-husbands of our OWN brothers and sisters.
Heres a small bussiness lesson for you VP. (Its a real case)
In the market there are 2 makes of professional films for printing newspapers. They are both identical. They only differ in name.One of the 2 is sold at 30% higher price, and still shares 50% of the market.
I repeat they are both identical.Shouldn't the cheaper one dominate the market?