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Are We Really Headin 4 Partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:26 pm

You reep what you sow......partition will in time be the only solution left as both sides grow further and further away. The polls are a clear indication of this fact, if you are blind and ignorant you will try to explain it away and bury your head in the sand.
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Postby pitsilos » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:30 pm

slow down man, your alter ego is taking over again. down boy, down boy

you were asked before to provide the set of questions that was asked in the poll a number of times

can you post the set of questions that was asked?

don't be a coward.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:You reep what you sow......partition will in time be the only solution left as both sides grow further and further away. The polls are a clear indication of this fact, if you are blind and ignorant you will try to explain it away and bury your head in the sand.

Therefore all those who want a united Cyprus are , according to you , not only blind but also ignorant.You have a propensity to call the kettle black , you keep at it the entire time .You are the one one with your head buried deeply in the sand by your incessant and unrealistic usage of inverted commas when referring to the RoC , WHICH ACCORDING TO ALL NATIONS ON EARTH , is the only recognised entity in Cyprus. You are preposterously naive and refuse to even accept that the Cypriot currency as well as the Cypriot passport ,which are accepted the world over are the products of a "non existent state " !!!! Your are quite ridiculous and and have been subliminally conditioned to reject the legality of a nation which is REALITY.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:53 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:You reep what you sow......partition will in time be the only solution left as both sides grow further and further away. The polls are a clear indication of this fact, if you are blind and ignorant you will try to explain it away and bury your head in the sand.

Therefore all those who want a united Cyprus are , according to you , not only blind but also ignorant.You have a propensity to call the kettle black , you keep at it the entire time .You are the one one with your head buried deeply in the sand by your incessant and unrealistic usage of inverted commas when referring to the RoC , WHICH ACCORDING TO ALL NATIONS ON EARTH , is the only recognised entity in Cyprus. You are preposterously naive and refuse to even accept that the Cypriot currency as well as the Cypriot passport ,which are accepted the world over are the products of a "non existent state " !!!! Your are quite ridiculous and and have been subliminally conditioned to reject the legality of a nation which is REALITY.

No Im not saying that I am saying the you can want unification thats their choice but they are ignorant and blind if they cannot see how things are developing, can you now comprehend the difference?
If its the world that really matters in this scenerio go solve your problems with them why the hell do you need us. If that was the case you have total control over the whole island and we would all be living in a GC state. But what have you achieved in 33 years, nothing why? because we and you are the keys no one else matters, its what we want that is important no the USA or EU, a good example is the referendum you said no to a comprehensive plan although 99% backed it. Thats the way it works and as long as we dont want to recognize the "RoC" we wont thats our choice and nothing can change that, if that were possible that to would have ahppened a long time ago.

Whats the Cyprus pound or "RoC" passports got to do with anything if you give any a benefit they will take this is human nature. The "RoC" may exsist just like the TRNC but for me it is just like any other country this one happens to be a GC state run by GCs for GCs and does no wany shape or form represent me or my community.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:12 pm

VP Wrote:
""""Whats the Cyprus pound or "RoC" passports got to do with anything if you give any a benefit they will take this is human nature. The "RoC" may exsist just like the TRNC but for me it is just like any other country this one happens to be a GC state run by GCs for GCs and does no wany shape or form represent me or my community."""

For starters the Cyprus pound is accepted as legal currency everywhere , no inverted commas applicable here mate , and half the T/C population either has a Cypriot passport or aspires to have one. The fact that you can not see further than your nose is evident.
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Postby zan » Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:22 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:You reep what you sow......partition will in time be the only solution left as both sides grow further and further away. The polls are a clear indication of this fact, if you are blind and ignorant you will try to explain it away and bury your head in the sand.

Therefore all those who want a united Cyprus are , according to you , not only blind but also ignorant.You have a propensity to call the kettle black , you keep at it the entire time .You are the one one with your head buried deeply in the sand by your incessant and unrealistic usage of inverted commas when referring to the RoC , WHICH ACCORDING TO ALL NATIONS ON EARTH , is the only recognised entity in Cyprus. You are preposterously naive and refuse to even accept that the Cypriot currency as well as the Cypriot passport ,which are accepted the world over are the products of a "non existent state " !!!! Your are quite ridiculous and and have been subliminally conditioned to reject the legality of a nation which is REALITY.

Two flashing flags across the boarder are your reality Miltiades. We exist and will continue to exist. That argument is getting weaker by the minute and will fuel my anger time and time again. Rome was not built in a day and neither was it recognised in that short a time. If the RoC decides to stop its intransigence then I can see the people of the TRNC/KKTC stopping what they are doing and starting to listen. Until then only partition will be the offer on the table. I am not speaking for the government but for reality. You business brain is taking over here. There is the chance to haggle but selling us faulty goods is out of the question.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:53 pm

The reality Zan is that part of Cyprus is under the occupation of a foreign country , this is how the rest of the world see it and this is reality.I'm the first to criticize the government of the ROC for inaction in pursuing policies to bring the two communities together , but I will always support one Cyprus and one Cypriot identity.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:53 pm

miltiades wrote:VP Wrote:
""""Whats the Cyprus pound or "RoC" passports got to do with anything if you give any a benefit they will take this is human nature. The "RoC" may exsist just like the TRNC but for me it is just like any other country this one happens to be a GC state run by GCs for GCs and does no wany shape or form represent me or my community."""

For starters the Cyprus pound is accepted as legal currency everywhere , no inverted commas applicable here mate , and half the T/C population either has a Cypriot passport or aspires to have one. The fact that you can not see further than your nose is evident.

Crumbs off the GC table to prove they feed the TCs are not enough the issuing of "RoC" passports are only to support your arguement that you represent us which the world have now realized you do not, the increased isceverage and official visits to the north reflect this. As for the currency whats your point the Turkish Lira is also convertable and we use lots of other currencies as well whats your point. Most of the EU countires also use one currency and you to are about to abandone the Cyprus pound. Youll ge just liek us you wont produce your own currency and have to jump to the drum of European Central Bank. :wink:
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Postby zan » Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:01 pm

miltiades wrote:The reality Zan is that part of Cyprus is under the occupation of a foreign country , this is how the rest of the world see it and this is reality.I'm the first to criticize the government of the ROC for inaction in pursuing policies to bring the two communities together , but I will always support one Cyprus and one Cypriot identity.

I refute that with all my heart. It was my leaders that asked for the intervention and it is still my leaders that have been forced to settle in a part of their country because the other part through hostilities has been made unavailable to us. Now present circumstances dictate a rethink on the whole matter. Unless this is done and the tricks and games stop the present situation will be the norm. There are a number of people from both sides that are willing to talk but it seems that the ones that will not talk are the ones in charge. The RoC that says it represents all Cypriots has to show the way and do just that and represent all the people but alas they are not. You, as a self-declared champion of the Cypriot people should be petitioning them not trying to sell us a faulty bag of goods. You have accepted this fact many times but still your biggest attempts are aimed at us.
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Postby pitsilos » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:48 pm

so let me gets this straight zan, you want the embargoes lifted and ports open, so your human rights are restored, right?

what about the human rights of the 200,000 gc and the human rights of the 50,000 tcs. would their human be respected as well?

whats to say after the ports open, embargoes lifted you turn around and stick 2 fingers to the gs?

what have you done as a community to earn it? varosha is empty, and used by the militia you call army. why not give it back to its citizens. it serves no purpose. how about re building it and running the port together, gotta start somewhere.

but instead the puppet puts up a bridge, warn not to go ahead, then a whole slap in the face from momma turkey, then he pulls it down. and you wanna get rewarded with restoration of your human rights.

gee how did i fail to see your logic.
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