Same here... I have 11 posts per day at the moment!
But VP is clearly just trying to put across his "point of view" about people who he regularly debates with in the problem section.
Unfortunately, what none of the data shows us is what is the rolling average, e.g "posts per day within last month", say. That would be more revealing. For the people who recently joined (like myself), the figure is pretty much the same as "posts per day".
But for "old timers" like some of the people low down on the list, the figure is more meaningless because there might have been a few months, for example, where they might not have posted at all (e.g on holiday).
Also, some people join but never start posting until months after they first join! That distorts the "posts per day". I think VP would be a lot higher in the "posts per day in last month" figure.
Sorry if I am being a bit anal about the statistics, but remember... 98.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot!
And remember, statistically speaking everyone in the world has 1.86 arms because nobody has more than 2 but some people have only 1!
P.S: I'm not surprised shahmaran is top of the list, he doesn't seem to sleep and just stays up all night posting on here! Shahmaran, how do you stay up all night on here AND be on here most of the day posting???? You said you work with computers in a previous post - does you employer have very flexible hours, or are you permanently hooked on red bull such that you don't actually need to sleep???!!!