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Anna Nicole Smith is DEAD!

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Postby Pete_D » Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:16 pm

queenslander wrote:Are you people for real??? thousands of people die in iraq just because they live there and you are worried about some gold digging, topless bimbo with drug habit that lived live a millionaire spare me

My goodness, queenslander, I'm agreeing with you again! ;)

But you are quite right. None of us knew this Anna Nicole Smith, we just thought we did because she was in the news a bit. None of us can judge what she was really like. Yes, it is a shame when anyone dies especially when they die young. But as said, there are many thousands of people that we DON'T know dying young everyday around the world, in terrible circumstances.... just because their deaths are not reported to us in the media and we don't know anything about their lives, it doesn't make it any more the better.

You know, it always gets me about the media. For example, the UK media will quite happily rush over a report of "thousands of dead" when there is a tragedy somewhere on the other side of the world, unless there are "several Brits" that were involved.

Why does it matter? Is a life more important because it is "one of your countrymen?" No! I don't know them one way or the other, brits or non-brits, but it is still a life, still a tragedy! That really irks me about the media (one of the many things).

Now what would be good, is if there is any money inherited by Anna nicole smith which is left (which she now cannot use herself anymore), then that be given to charities which are trying to improve the lives of people around the world and prevent other people dying young.

Note: please, no-one think I am trying to preach at any of you people here. I am just saying my opinions and what I think.

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Postby queenslander » Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:48 pm

I agree with you pete these people (ANNA) would not not know what you buy for dollar! shes gone now (thanks now we might get to see a different pair of tits) so donate her money to people that need to survive
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Postby rawk » Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:22 am

I just want to say,

"Stop being so horrible about my mum, I'm just going to pop over to the States and tell the executors just who I am and sort out the money, sorry funeral, and give mum the best she deserves, sniff!"

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Postby queenslander » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:07 am


Is that sniff or snort?
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Postby Svetlana » Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:22 am

She gave a new meaning to the phrase, 'I am just going to the Powder Room'.

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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:02 pm

Should this thread be moved to the "jokes" section?! ;)
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:05 am

what a tragic life
but worse is the thousands of people dying in Stupid wars started by stupid people
innocent people
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:11 am

I have no time for ‘celebrity’ per se and can’t understand the interest that the public have in such people.

I do admire anybody that can make money out of their own talent – even if that talent is using their own body for the pleasure of others.

But I despise people that destroy their own lives and often those of their families by snorting their success up their noses or injecting it into their veins. It is a sad reflection on our society (IMHO) that those like ANS and that Babyshambles bloke can stumble around and speak incoherently under the influence yet still be hailed as ‘stars’.
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Postby Niki » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:22 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:I have no time for ‘celebrity’ per se and can’t understand the interest that the public have in such people.

I do admire anybody that can make money out of their own talent – even if that talent is using their own body for the pleasure of others.

But I despise people that destroy their own lives and often those of their families by snorting their success up their noses or injecting it into their veins. It is a sad reflection on our society (IMHO) that those like ANS and that Babyshambles bloke can stumble around and speak incoherently under the influence yet still be hailed as ‘stars’.

I agree - I think the way Kate Moss has been even more successful 'after' discovering her drug addiction is totally immoral, I just turn the page or the TV off when I see her. What does this tell the young girls who look up to her? She should be banned from public advertising as should her boyfriend.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:28 pm

Niki2410 wrote:She should be banned from public advertising as should her boyfriend.

I agree with you agreeing with me! :lol:

It seems the law doesn’t apply if you are a ‘celebrity’. :(
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