shahmaran wrote:oh i can definately see Pyr rushing to the border with his luggage and waving his hand in the air going "ME ME ME"
askimwos wrote:Lena, I don't know how young you are but here you have a party that did not take part in the intercommunal clashes in the 60's, has traditionally been for raproachment and one of their main slogans is that the TCs are brothers and not the enemy. You know very well that if there is one party in the south that had traditional links with the TCs is this party and we all would like to see more actions from their side. AKEL may not be the government but they represent more than a third of the GC electorate and need to influence tpap policies or get rid of him alltogether.
Viewpoint wrote:Lena have you never for 1 second considered that division maybe the solution, do you prefer the period between 1960 to 1974 or 1974 to 2007. The peaceful life we have on both sides is an indication that something is working right and people are not dieing everyday like Palestine and Iraq.
shahmaran wrote:oh i can definately see Pyr rushing to the border with his luggage and waving his hand in the air going "ME ME ME"
Viewpoint wrote:shahmaran wrote:oh i can definately see Pyr rushing to the border with his luggage and waving his hand in the air going "ME ME ME"
Shah surprise surprise they don't want to be a minority in TC state, ring any bells? dejavu or what? What they see fit for us they do not want for themselves talking about being a hypocrite.
No I thought of that several times…and I know that will bring lots of problems to the island…south and north. VP do you think that I have anything to get with the solution? No! I am not going to get any money, I am not going to get any houses or properties…I am not going to share the oil…etc.
For me the solution it will not have any financial effects. Do you know what it will change for me? I will have the chance to learn about my country through my experience, I am going to teach to my students about a united country, I am not going to teach about wars, I am going to secure a better future for my children and my grandchildren.
Why do we have to fight? We are able to live together. We have villages with TC in south without any problems. Why is it so difficult for you to accept us? I had several times coffee and dinner in a TC house in Potamia. But you don’t want to have even a cup of coffee with me or Miltiades. You want to live with your hater. Why you asking me all the times what I prefer? I told you for me its only one country. And I am sure that we can live together without wars and fights. As we used to do that before all this and as we can do it now.
Alexis wrote:As I have said many times before Miltiades, the refugees do not have automatic right of return due to circumstances. The same circumstances that has taken something from all of us. The refugee problem is not the end all of our problems either. Not fuck you, but a very big SORRY.
hi Zan mate,
I'd like you to elaborate a little more on what you mean. You say that refugees do not automatically have the right of return - why not? What do you mean by this? I have a real issue with this for one very simple reason - IF right of return can be achieved without the displacement of anyone currently (I include most settlers here too) why can that not be afforded to them? If your answer to this is simply that the refugees must pay for the mistakes of certain members of their community in past years then I completely disagree. Just as I think that it is unfair that TCs suffer due to the isolation of the TRNC (and that something should be done about it) I also find it unfair that refugees are deprived of their property and more importantly their right of return (not necessarily to their original property but to their original village if required). Tell me one good reason Zan why the refugees can't return in exchange for the lifting of TRNC isolation in a comprehensive settlement? Is there something fundamental I am missing or is it just spite that because your community suffered in the past so ours must now be deprived of a fundamental right simply to ensure that a part of Cyprus remains ethnically pure? Don't get me wrong I understand the need for any union to be gradual and that transition is required but what exactly is the point of imposing permanent restrictions on refugees for no good reason other than to ensure ethnic dominance in a particular geographical area? Either we unite or we don't - the destination must be a country in which we all can share - remembering also that now we are in the EU where the geographical barriers are meant to mean very little.
Hi Alexis
I agree with the way you have stated the problem. My statement was for those that keep harping on about the refugees returning as the panacea of he problem. I don't wish to punish anyone for their fathers’ sins and really am dead against it but the return and the right to return cannot supersede everything. I have always said that compensation is their automatic right and that all those responsible must get together and find the money and I also think that more reasonable sums must be asked for from all sides. These millions that people are asking for is just ridicules and they must consider what that actually means to their countries. As you have said, when a settlement is discussed the plight of the refugees must not be the one hurdle that cannot b got over. We all know that the RoC is more interested in getting control of the land and not so much for the individual so in my opinion if this becomes that hurdle then it is political and not personal there fore the claim that these poor people are homeless suffering and have an insatiable urge to get back to their villages is just a tool. If for example a partition is agreed then anyone with an uncontrollable urge will still be able to move back and I for one would welcome them and the same goes for TCs that want to move back south. Even this could be seen as limited integration and who knows what will happen in the future.
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