Lena wrote:If I am not wrong Joanna you are young as me and you are not Cypriot. Am I right? I thing I read in one of your posts that you are Greek girl. Right? You know sometimes…you have to live very close to the whole situation to understand the whole issue. I know that Greeks and Cypriots don’t have very good relationships with the Turks because of our history…but what I am not able to understand is why young people like you, me and Shahmaran are not able to build a new world and new relationships? For how many years do we have to keep that hater? I forced my self to understand older people…they way they think and the way they feel. They have memories and that’s very hard for them. But we don’t, we only learn what they told us, what they teach us and how they raised us up. But we supposed to have our feelings, our logical and we have to be able to build a new future for us and our families without hater, without wars…civilized!!! Is that so difficult for you? Why you call them barbarians? Do you really know anyone Turk? Did anyone harm you? And don’t tell me about our parents, relatives and countries. I am asking you as an individual person. In that part I agree with VP…you are racist! I am sorry for that especially because you are young!
Thank you for your kind words about me elsewhere in this post,Lena.
I was alive and living in the old walls of Nicosia in 1963 too.Which probably makes me ancient in your young eyes. Let me return the complement by saying that you are a mature and compassionate woman and probably too sensitive for your own happiness. I am glad young people like you exist in this crazy world.