joanna wrote: How can Cypriots both TC and GC consider living with the barbarian turks??[/ quote]
If I am not wrong Joanna you are young as me and you are not Cypriot. Am I right? I thing I read in one of your posts that you are Greek girl. Right? You know sometimes…you have to live very close to the whole situation to understand the whole issue. I know that Greeks and Cypriots don’t have very good relationships with the Turks because of our history…but what I am not able to understand is why young people like you, me and Shahmaran are not able to build a new world and new relationships? For how many years do we have to keep that hater? I forced my self to understand older people…they way they think and the way they feel. They have memories and that’s very hard for them. But we don’t, we only learn what they told us, what they teach us and how they raised us up. But we supposed to have our feelings, our logical and we have to be able to build a new future for us and our families without hater, without wars…civilized!!! Is that so difficult for you? Why you call them barbarians? Do you really know anyone Turk? Did anyone harm you? And don’t tell me about our parents, relatives and countries. I am asking you as an individual person. In that part I agree with VP…you are racist! I am sorry for that especially because you are young!
Viewpoint wrote:Do you realize what you are saying here? these people filled in the void after 1974 and many have inter married. A settler who has been here for 33 years surely wins the right to stay where he is and the generations that follow. I agree with you that those who only settled here 5 10 years ago should be assessed but will you do the same with your immigrants who you have granted citizenship to?
Its very difficult to find out who they have to leave and who they have to go…those people who got married in north and they are Turks but they got married with TCs…what are they? They have to leave or stay? They have to leave only them or the whole family? A couple of settlers that they came here in 1974 and they are 55 with children and grandchildren have more rights from a 25 years old couple who one of them came from Turkey 5 years ago and the other one was at the north and they have a 3 years old child who was born here in Cyprus? Which family have to go back? We are talking about a huge issue here!!!
humanist wrote:VP I agree with you to a large extent. I do not think the RoC or Greek Cypriots could make a flat out decision on the settler issue. These are human beings that we are talking about and whilst I think that turkey is soleley responsible for the fate of settlers, I believe that a committee comprising of Turkish Cypriots/ Greek Cypriots and independat nations needs to be set up to look at settlers on an individual basis to assess whether they go or stay. I would suggest that number who stay be less that the Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots can choose what that number would be whether they want 100% 70% 50% 10% you get my drift, I m sure.
I couldn’t agree more with you Humanist…your name express your believes indeed.
askimwos wrote:askimwos wrote: AKEL
Askimwos…the issue here is not AKEL!!!!!
Viewpoint wrote:humanist wrote:VP i did not make the suggestion of a % to remain and some to go back in order to meet the needs of Greek Cypriots I made the point in respect for those Turkish Cypriots who may feel that they are a minority among the Turkish Speaking Community of Cyprus. And yes the number will apply to the pontiacs, or if 40,000 pontiacs stay then 40,000 turks stay .. Like I said you decide on the number of settlers
Sounds reasonable to me but will your GC brothers agree?
Yes VP…me and lots of his GC brothers agree with him!! What about TCs?
Birkibrisli wrote:While it is true that no one was forced at gunpoint to settle in the TRNC,there were a lot of inducement offered at the beginning (like free land and housing) to encouraged people to come. Also people from Turkey can come to the North simply by jumping on a ferryboat and showing their Identity Cards at the other end. Which other "state" in the world allows anyone to come and settle in their counrty without any kind of visa or character screening policy??? Forgetting about the international legitimacy of moving people to militarily occupied areas,had they required at least a passport for entry,they would make sure at least that more culturally and socially suitable people would come in,hence avoiding many of the social and cultural problems present today in the TRNC...
Having said that I want to remind people that it is not the settlers fault that they find themselves the meat in the sandwich in Cyprus.Turkey must be made to carry the cost (human and material) of resettling these people in an orderly and humane manner when the time comes.