Hi all,
I wanted to talk about the goods or the services that we are really being sold by Cypriot companies and more specifically how we are being manipulated into buying a product that is really not worth it.
For example I bought a mobile phone from a well "respected" company in Nicosia (well the only thing indicating that that is a respected company is the fact that it advertises on TV which makes us beleive that that is a well operating company). To make the long story short, i had to return the phone 4 times to upgrade its firmware because of operational problems with the old one and eventhough they stated every time they had upgraded they really did not. So finally I had to do it via a friend of mine who works in another mobile phone company.
Now when another operational problem appeard and after I took the phone for inspection of the problem, they changed some of the equipment inside without asking and charged me for it as well (bare in mind that they claim to have 1 year waranty and this problem occured on the 6th month). They actually held my phone as hostage untill I paid for something I never told them to do and for fixing a problematic phone that they sold me as "new" and not second hand. They also refused to let me talk to the manager of the store or anyone higher than the desc clerck. They simply didn't care about my complain or my problem.
This is just one of the many frustrating incidents which cost a lot of money to us consumers I might add. The Cyprus Consumers Association cannot really help us because of either fault in the laws or more inportantly because there is no incentive for them to help us.
Now am not really sure if we could post the name of companies that tried to trick us or in similar situations, but I propose that we share our consuming experiences not only as punishment to them but for eductational purposes as well.
Ok i talked long enough I think for one post