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cypriot bosss?

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cypriot bosss?

Postby janea » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:55 pm

Hi guys
I have more specific question
cause I am coming for work in Cyprus ,I had apply for job there,have an invitation etc
but ..when I spoke with my future employer on the phone few times ,he seems to be a bit strange ,I mean ..quit friendly BUT he said I m very beautiful etc,So do u find this for normal and professional?Cause I started to worry ,do not know the cypriot mentality maybe u talk just like that i dont have an idea,I have lived in monaco , london and greece for a while never had such interview and the standarts of work have been very professional/not that I comparing ,each place is different/,but now wanna move there but I really worry how I can know my future employer ?Is it risky?
Anyway my question is -Do u know some site or phone or smth that I can get info for the company/I mean unofficial as gossips u know/,to check the boss etc?or just forum about the companies over there.
Any discuss would be helpful for me,I have never been in cyprus by the way.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:08 pm

If you have never been to Cyprus where did you have the interview? Was it all done via internet or mail? You must have sent a photo then? What sort of job will you be doing? He seems a bit dodgy to me!
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm

yeah sounds like a ripper of a job :lol:
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Postby janea » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:23 pm

yes ok ...
yes tru the net and phone interview .
Regarding the photo I have it on my CV cause from the page to EU job portal u must have it.
ok I ll think anyway :))
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Postby raymanuva » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:29 pm

He is probably masturbating on that Photo of yours... sorry to be nasty... but thats the truth.
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Postby Pete_D » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:41 pm

What you've got to do is forget it is in Cyprus, think about other places you have lived and imagine the same thing was happening in that country: would you still feel comfortable and take the job? If not, then you shouldn't in this instance, either.

Since you have not been for a face to face interview then my interpretation is this is something more like a casual job rather than a professional job which would be the next step on your career, if you see what i mean. I would also guess this is a very small company you have applied to.

In which case, there should be no problems finding other jobs like it. Certainly it would be worth having some other interviews with similar companies, and maybe looking for bigger, more professional companies.

Of course, this bloke might not have meant anything by it, but why bother taking the risk?

By the way, should you want a second opinion on the sort of reaction you should expect to receive when a man sees your photo, then feel free to send it to me, I'll take a look and let you know ;)
(only joking, ok!... :D)

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Postby anastasiaC » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:58 pm

its just the way of life doesnt suprise me to hear a cypriot man be so forwarded...they are quite passionate people
but if it does make you feel uncomforable you'll need to let him know.....
it would be make me feel icky thats for sure......I had a boss in Cyprus who always commented on our breasts...I was out of there quick smart...its a form of harrasment and we shouldnt have to accept that.
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Postby Bill » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:17 am

Can I ask janea where you come from

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Postby janea » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:14 pm

thank you guys

I am from Bulgaria ,yes this also upset me in some kind
cause I m not sure but have heard some ppl has special openion for an 'east europeans' girls..Maybe he thinks I am ready for all do not know what to think already...Have to answer soon but im afraid,wanna come causes is island ,sun and sea -always wanted this but... :( I am scared in some way and maybe I ll miss this opportunitie
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Postby queenslander » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:56 pm

As I dont have any tits i can not help you. But i can say it would not suprise me! you need to get information from girls working here, they would know
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