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Which Soap do you prefer?

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Which Soap do you prefer?

Poll ended at Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:13 pm

Coronation Street
Total votes : 11

Postby simonwjones » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:02 am

Pete_D wrote:what I want to know about eastenders is:

- why is there only one pub in the whole world?
(Well, ok there is another one but no-one ever drinks there, they just threaten to do so)

- why is the arches the only place you can get your car fixed or get an MOT? And given that is the case, why are they never busy?

- why are there only two places to go out for the dinner, the "argee-bargee" or "fargos" (or "the caf"?)

- how come the entire population of walford can do their weekly shop at the corner shop and yet not look malnourished?


...............and why dont they shop at the Market and not Harvey Nichols?

Cos Eastenders is total trash mate!
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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:09 am

so that totty in the pub matey, but u still liked her :D

.... and why is it the only place they ever go out is "up west?"
and why is it when they all emigrate, it is always to manchester...
... but then how come they actually all then turn up in sun hill, on itv1????

Well?! :P
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Postby simonwjones » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:16 am

Pete_D wrote:so that totty in the pub matey, but u still liked her :D

.... and why is it the only place they ever go out is "up west?"
and why is it when they all emigrate, it is always to manchester...
... but then how come they actually all then turn up in sun hill, on itv1????

Well?! :P

I still switch off after about three seconds. I get so depressed as soon as I turn over. Corrie has a humour side to it. But even they leave by taxi when they leave!
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Postby Sotos » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:27 am

Palmolive! The soaps in the poll are not sold in Cyprus ;)
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Postby raymanuva » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:02 am

24 Season 6, What About Brian, Scrubs, Shark, Dirt, Prison Break, Desp Housewifes... cant imagine i find time to watch those.
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Postby simonwjones » Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:12 am

raymanuva wrote:24 Season 6, What About Brian, Scrubs, Shark, Dirt, Prison Break, Desp Housewifes... cant imagine i find time to watch those.

Not quite legends in the household just yet mate!!
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Postby LENA » Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:24 am

Sotos wrote:The soaps in the poll are not sold in Cyprus ;)

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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Postby deedeepuss » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:17 pm

simonwjones wrote:
deedeepuss wrote:I think you two should watch Hollyoaks!

Much more pleasing on the eye :wink:

Arr, your right. I sent you a PM earlier. Where you from in Shropshire?

Got your PM, and replied. Small world as you say.

What do you "instruct" in?
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:16 pm

Lavender and geranium, with jojoba oil.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:20 pm

Sotos wrote:Palmolive! The soaps in the poll are not sold in Cyprus ;)

pfah, palmolive? Use your imagination Sotos, live a little. Some essential oils? Some real scent, not acrylic palmolive.

Jeez, makes me want to cry, like one of those abandoned actresses whose husband's sister's cousin's born again Christian who died in a car accident and then was resurrected suddenly because he wasn't dead but was really a woman living in Mexico posing as a humble street woman selling mangos and cocaine but then saw the light and had a reverse sex change and became a catholic priest.
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