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For Eliko, Humanist and Zan

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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:53 pm

miltiades, you are apparently incapable of engaging in a discussion without hurling abuse at your 'opponent' (if that is how you perceive a person of different view to your own).
Try to use a little more tolerance with we lesser mortals when you attack us with your verbal barrages, you are not obliged to join a debate just because you do not agree with the content, but, if you do, there are certain qualities you should possess before entering such debate.
The most important among these is the ability to allow for differences of opinion without resorting to the language of the 'gutter-snipe', you are an older man than many of the contributors here and they will learn little from you if you cannot control your insulting manner.
The various points I have raised are indicative of the fact that I have formed an opinion by observing the events taking place in the world, I have analysed the causes and considered my position relative to those events, I have presented my views based on those observations and am ready to receive any positive criticism if proven to be valid, you have a very annoying habit Sir, you are ready to dismiss every matter raised in a monotonous style, if it does not concur with 'miltiades' it can not be right.
Study your own contributions and you will clearly see that your manner is unacceptable in polite society, you may rant and rage and do battles with wind-mills, (as did Don Quixote) but you may not continually insult members who are at odds with you.
Kindly have the goodness to cease your relentless attacks on my intelligence Sir, you are insulting a 'stranger' and you have been informed of the foolishness of that before.

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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:08 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, you are apparently incapable of engaging in a discussion without hurling abuse at your 'opponent' (if that is how you perceive a person of different view to your own).
Try to use a little more tolerance with we lesser mortals when you attack us with your verbal barrages, you are not obliged to join a debate just because you do not agree with the content, but, if you do, there are certain qualities you should possess before entering such debate.
The most important among these is the ability to allow for differences of opinion without resorting to the language of the 'gutter-snipe', you are an older man than many of the contributors here and they will learn little from you if you cannot control your insulting manner.
The various points I have raised are indicative of the fact that I have formed an opinion by observing the events taking place in the world, I have analysed the causes and considered my position relative to those events, I have presented my views based on those observations and am ready to receive any positive criticism if proven to be valid, you have a very annoying habit Sir, you are ready to dismiss every matter raised in a monotonous style, if it does not concur with 'miltiades' it can not be right.
Study your own contributions and you will clearly see that your manner is unacceptable in polite society, you may rant and rage and do battles with wind-mills, (as did Don Quixote) but you may not continually insult members who are at odds with you.
Kindly have the goodness to cease your relentless attacks on my intelligence Sir, you are insulting a 'stranger' and you have been informed of the foolishness of that before.


When an individual strikes me as irresponsible by making derogatory comments towards a nation that has embraced people the world over , including many Cypriots and many of my family too by calling them "decadent " then I have every justifiable reason to react accordingly. I do not tolerate blatant descriptive nonsense and will say so without hesitating. You , specifically , have so much hatred for the Americans , hatred that your well documented for. I find it nauseating when apparently well educated individuals such as you appear to be have no common sense at all.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:14 pm

Thank you miltiades, so I am to assume that all the mayhem that now exists in the 'Eastern' regions would have existed had it not been for the liberating forces of the 'West', my opologies Sir, I did not know that. :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:24 pm

As someone who has spent half his life in America, 25 years, I can honestly say, I love America, but I also hate some of America's foreign policy. Just because a nation has saved us before, does not mean we play "dead" now, by not trying to save her, from some of her bad decision, in the hands of some bad people.

Friends should be able to tell friends, what he or she is doing wrong. That is not Hate, it is Love.
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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:26 pm

tessintrnc wrote:I think that eventually the Iraqis themselves would have overthrown the sadaam regime

I think that is misguided thinking, because "eventually" is ever such a long timespan! For example, saddam himself would have died a natural death sooner or later!!

Personally, I think that in any realistic amount of time saddam's regime would have kept control of the country. That is exactly what happened when the ba'ath party was at its weakest, after the "first" gulf war. Despite various factions in the north and south, saddam regained control of the country and strengthened his power despite ongoing sanctions from the UN.

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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:33 pm

GorillaGal wrote:but wouldn't that cause more problems in the long run? i was always told that was went wrong with operation desert storm.... wewent in, did what we had to, and left. and because we didn't stay to help them rebuild, that is where we are at now....

I disagree. Firstly, from a military perspective "desert storm" was a complete success. It was never planned to do proceed to baghdad and try and overthrow saddam's regime. In fact, my understanding is that assurances were given to saudi arabia, amongst others, that this would definitely not happen. And if it were to happen, the coalition that had been built up would not have remained united.

Unfortunately no-one seemed to tell people like the marsh arabs in the south who tried to stage an uprising and overthrow saddam. That failed because the USA and its allies did not support them (not openly or publicly, in any tangible form).

Whereas the current situation is different because saddam has gone and there is a current government in place which does have the political and presumably economic support of the USA. Essentially the tables have been turned, as now the USA is supporting the state whereas before it was against the state.

Incidentally, many people say that george bush (snr) should have proceeded to invade and take over Iraq and then the last 15 years for that country would have been completely different. But then, hindsight is a wonderful gift, isn't it?......

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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:34 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, you are apparently incapable of engaging in a discussion without hurling abuse at your 'opponent' (if that is how you perceive a person of different view to your own).
Try to use a little more tolerance with we lesser mortals when you attack us with your verbal barrages, you are not obliged to join a debate just because you do not agree with the content, but, if you do, there are certain qualities you should possess before entering such debate.
The most important among these is the ability to allow for differences of opinion without resorting to the language of the 'gutter-snipe', you are an older man than many of the contributors here and they will learn little from you if you cannot control your insulting manner.
The various points I have raised are indicative of the fact that I have formed an opinion by observing the events taking place in the world, I have analysed the causes and considered my position relative to those events, I have presented my views based on those observations and am ready to receive any positive criticism if proven to be valid, you have a very annoying habit Sir, you are ready to dismiss every matter raised in a monotonous style, if it does not concur with 'miltiades' it can not be right.
Study your own contributions and you will clearly see that your manner is unacceptable in polite society, you may rant and rage and do battles with wind-mills, (as did Don Quixote) but you may not continually insult members who are at odds with you.
Kindly have the goodness to cease your relentless attacks on my intelligence Sir, you are insulting a 'stranger' and you have been informed of the foolishness of that before.


Eliko, this should have been addressed to Pantheman as well.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:37 pm

Eliko wrote:Thank you miltiades, so I am to assume that all the mayhem that now exists in the 'Eastern' regions would have existed had it not been for the liberating forces of the 'West', my opologies Sir, I did not know that. :wink:

I accept your apologies and I forgive you , I understand fully how a young person can mis-interpret world events and arrive at an erroneous opinion.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:43 pm

GorillaGal , if I was the President of the USA whent 9/11 occured , there would be no Afganistan today and I doubt very much whether I would have sent American troops to Iraq, would have found a less tiresome way to deal with Sadam.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:49 pm

well then, i a,m glad you aren't president. LOL :-) i have known some great middle eastern people in my lifetime.
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