Try to use a little more tolerance with we lesser mortals when you attack us with your verbal barrages, you are not obliged to join a debate just because you do not agree with the content, but, if you do, there are certain qualities you should possess before entering such debate.
The most important among these is the ability to allow for differences of opinion without resorting to the language of the 'gutter-snipe', you are an older man than many of the contributors here and they will learn little from you if you cannot control your insulting manner.
The various points I have raised are indicative of the fact that I have formed an opinion by observing the events taking place in the world, I have analysed the causes and considered my position relative to those events, I have presented my views based on those observations and am ready to receive any positive criticism if proven to be valid, you have a very annoying habit Sir, you are ready to dismiss every matter raised in a monotonous style, if it does not concur with 'miltiades' it can not be right.
Study your own contributions and you will clearly see that your manner is unacceptable in polite society, you may rant and rage and do battles with wind-mills, (as did Don Quixote) but you may not continually insult members who are at odds with you.
Kindly have the goodness to cease your relentless attacks on my intelligence Sir, you are insulting a 'stranger' and you have been informed of the foolishness of that before.