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Postby pantheman » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:57 am

GorillaGal wrote:
humanist wrote:GG please read my post under What is a refugee it might give you an idea of where I stand on the matter of war.

Ok, i read it. and it was all very well written, very moving. thanks for sharing that with us. however, it doesn't answer my questions. what do you suggeest the USA do now? in your perfect world...the solution would be.....???

Here is the answer in one word - Die.

is that simple enough for you ?
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Postby humanist » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:06 am

GG in my perfect world I would say US pull out of Iraq now, you have no right being there and you never had right to be there, because you have created this mess the only way to even get close to fixing it, because you can never fix the death of an Iraqi son, daughter, grandchild, or the US kid who is barely 18 years @ the time of being killed as a soldier. You need to poor billions of $$$$$$$ to re-build the nation. Compensation time pay up. This could be managed by an independent body accountable for evry $$$$$$$$ spent.

Show me da money :)

Ps thank you for the acknowledgement I hope you can now understand why I am so against war. There was a better way to deal with Sadam if indeed he was responsible for 9/ 11. I am sure a sophisticated CIA could have done some good homework and tracked him down arresting him and dealing with him. By the way killing him was an easy way out for him. He should have been left alive to feel the pain of captivity, the loneliness of the soul, the physical poverty and hunger felt by many of his people.

By the way I would like to say that, I continue to argue that Australia and UK had and have no right being there either. And I consider Howard to be a justified terrorist as is Bush and that all time unethical Blair and wife team.
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Postby Pete_D » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:43 am

GorillaGal wrote:i don't know, pete. i don't know. but i want to say yes, because we started something we have to fix.

Yes, the Bush administration full of hawks did start something it can't fix. But sticking around is not necessarily the best solution for that. It certainly wasn't the solution for rumsfeld (where is he now?....) and cheney, well all he seems to do is take pot-shots at his best mates.

I believe I am correct in saying the Iraq advisory group advised the president that a withdrawl was the best thing. The British DoD, so far as I am aware, still intends to go ahead with troop withdrawls. The other day I even read that the Iraqi prime minister wants the american forces to leave ("give us guns and then go" 'screamed' the headline in The Times, IIRC).

It's difficult to see what this sudden - and probably short-term - injection of extra troops is going to do, that hasn't already been done. Except get killed in even greater numbers :(

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Postby humanist » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:42 am

GG, I think concesus is that the US need to get its sorry arse ou of Iraq, and i mean that in the nicest humorus manner possible
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:28 pm

but wouldn't that cause more problems in the long run? i was always told that was went wrong with operation desert storm.... wewent in, did what we had to, and left. and because we didn't stay to help them rebuild, that is where we are at now....
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:53 pm

Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, your questions have the same ring of uncertainty as those of your own government in that they reveal how much harm your country has done to Iraq.
I think the USA need not pull out just yet because ultimately they will be driven out and made to suffer the shame of defeat that will come with it.
The hatreds, destruction and confusion they will leave behind, will be a testament to the evil they have created there and will serve as an example to other nations, (or do you suggest that the USA is not responsible ?).
Whatever the outcome of the conflict between the Iraqi factions once they have driven you out, it will be the result of a struggle between Iraqis which will determine their future, I do not have the authority to suggest which might be the best solution since what takes place in other countries is none of my business, (don't you agree?).
Should you stay and 'Help' ?, what a laughable suggestion, the only constructive help available to you now is to return all the profits you have made from the invasion, pay for the damage and compensate for the destruction and suffering caused by such and finally, drag your defeated army back to the land of the decadent with their heads hung in shame for what they have done.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

You have previously expressed your venomous opinion on the USA , you are what you have become , an American hater whose logic has been diluted and demoted to the lowest possible levels of common sense because you are only too ready to jump like a zombie and attack any action by the USA. Let me remind you clever clogs that the land that you call "decadent " is , and has been for millions upon millions of people THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY.Your ass and mine were saved by the USA ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION , and when eventually , a matter of time now , with a new President in the making , decide to remove another potent threat to world stability , I will rejoice and so would the entire world , or should I say the entire Western world.
The only decadence that I can see are the vociferous misplaced insults thrown at the USA by the minions of this world who are too blind to see that had it not been for this great nation , they would not be able to voice any opinions at all.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:06 pm

Do you believe REALLY, that sadaam was a threat to world peace? This has been denied by the USA themselves - NO weapons of mass destuction were found! And can you honestly say that the ıraqi people are better off NOW? Democracy comes from within - not by outside invasion. The USA are making millions out of this war and stand to gain a lot more than they have shelled out (pardon the pun) by the OIL. Why didnt they charge in and help Rwanda? (oh - thats right - nothing in it for them) They should get out and pay up and take Bush to the court for being a war criminal!
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:09 pm

yes, i agree bush is a war criminal, a terrorist. but i also believe that although the iraqi people may not be better off right now, i do believe they will be alright in time. let's see what history writes for them fifty years from now....
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:14 pm

I think that eventually the Iraqis themselves would have overthrown the sadaam regime - and with less bloodshed no doubt. I cant believe that Iraq will EVER look back and say thank God for the good 'ol U.S of A.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:20 pm

well, tess, we have different opinios on that one.
lets hope we both live long enough to see how it turns out!
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