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Annan Plan vs. 1960 Constitution

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Postby turkcyp » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:15 pm

An alternative bizonallity/federal system and solution to property issue,

How about TCs give up more land so that their share is less than 29%, all the way to the amount of land they were entitled in 1960. This means % personal TC land in 1960 + % of efkaf land, %30 of the 1960 state land, and anything else that also belong to TC society that I can not think of. :)

But one condition on making this kind of bizonality is that economic value of the land should be taken into consideration. How are we going to deicde the economic value.
1) One way of doing this is, if TCs own lets say 10% of the urban area that we should after settlement own 10% of the urban area. If we own 5% of the farmable land then we will have 5% of farmable land. If we own 20% of mountains we will own 20% of the mountains. You get the picture I guess.
2) Or another way is just to use the value expressed in prices. We can calculate the value of TC land in 1960 prices, and obtain the same percentage of land in 2004 prices. This is a much simpler way I guess.

After this I guess GCs can not claim that TCs got more than they deserve. So more of the refuges could return back, and the ones could not return back got TC properties left in south but in the whole the land ownership percentages would not be changed from 1960.

In return to this, no GC move back to TC state as a part of solution. If they want to move back later on, they can come and buy land or houses later on after settlement is completed let’s say 5 years.

But each individual state will have its right to decide its own citizenship. So TC state can refuse to give full citizenship rights to GCs if they come and buy back land after the solution so that federal equality is not compromised. TC state should let GCs vote in all the day to day life decisions of themselves in a very decentralized TC state. Like Brits in France under EU rules. And we can make the states very decentralized even to the level of education decisions so that they can be quite decentralized to the local level politics so that GCs that move to TC state after solution will have their opinions in the local level. But the equality at the national level is not compromised.

Does this sound interesting to you guys. It is definitely better than what Piratis suggested. Take your share of the land and partition. We are taking our share of the land and agreeing to a federation.

What do you think,

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Postby boulio » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:23 pm

How about TCs give up more land so that their share is less than 29%, all the way to the amount of land they were entitled in 1960. This means % personal TC land in 1960 + % of efkaf land, %30 of the 1960 state land, and anything else that also belong to TC society that I can not think of.

how much would this amount to roughly?
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Postby turkcyp » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:32 pm

boulio wrote:how much would this amount to roughly?

Why? Are you bargaining on what we own n 1960 as well.

I don't know frankly. Whatever we have before the Cyprus problem. We just want that and our share of land in the state. That is it.

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Postby boulio » Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:37 pm

check the paranoia at the door,i just asked a simple question. :roll:
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:38 pm

turkcyp wrote:
I don't know frankly. Whatever we have before the Cyprus problem. We just want that and our share of land in the state. That is it.



are you referring to an indepenent state or a one of two states in a bizonal federation?
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:54 am

%30 of the 1960 state land

Where is it said that TCs are entitled 30% of the state land???

After this I guess GCs can not claim that TCs got more than they deserve.

30% of state land is clearly a whole lot more than what the 18% deserves.

Here you clearly show how greedy you are, since you are trying to get more than the 18% you deserve.

I say to split everything exactly on the 82%-18% so everybody gets exactly what he deserves.
The 82% of land should include the 82% of resources and should be the 82% of value. The 18% of land should include the 18% of resources and be the 18% of value.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:58 am

Why? Are you bargaining on what we own n 1960 as well.

Aren't you? If you are not, then lets stop discussing Annan and other plans and lets see how we will return to the 1960 agreements. (=end of occupation, TCs get back their rights in RoC)
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Postby magikthrill » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:42 am

Ok, I'm kinda confused between Piratis and turkcyps comments.

I think that turkcyp requests that TCs own about 30% of the land cause thats what they owned pre-74 but Piratis is saying that what they owned was under the RoC so if they do not wish to be part of the RoC anymore then they can only get 18% of the land because that is what their population was during the invasion.

Is this correct :?:.
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Postby turkcyp » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:46 am

magikthrill wrote:Ok, I'm kinda confused between Piratis and turkcyps comments.

I think that turkcyp requests that TCs own about 30% of the land cause thats what they owned pre-74 but Piratis is saying that what they owned was under the RoC so if they do not wish to be part of the RoC anymore then they can only get 18% of the land because that is what their population was during the invasion.

Is this correct :?:.

My calculation of what TC owns was going like this:
- Personal TC property +
- Efkaf Property +
- 30% of the state land (what RoC owns). The reason 30% because in representation TC had in the state was 30%. From MPs, to number of ministers, to % of government employees.

That what I suggested. I assume with the first 2 nobody has any objection. For the last one I can see Piratis has an objection to %18. Well I do not care about him that much anyway. He has an objection to everything. If I give him the keys to whole Cyprus, he would say why didn’t you gift wrap it.

And I was not proposing a separate state like Piratis did in some other posts. I was proposing this to be the size of the federal TC state. But of course caveat is no TCs were allowed to settle in as a result of solution. If they want to settle in north, GCs would have to buy the property like others. And furthermore each state will have its rights to determine the citizenship requirements in its state so that equality at the federal level is not broken.

By the way Piratis, I can see that you are in bargaining mood today. I need one okka of padadez as well. How much you are charging for it.
Good noght everybody
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:03 am

There is no bargaining. You are 18%, thats what you will get (or stay illegal). Where did you saw me bargaining? I am not bargaining at all, and the majority of Greek Cypriots, like it was the case with the Annan plan, will support what I say here, and not what some other GCs that represent a small minority will say.

30% of the state land (what RoC owns). The reason 30% because in representation TC had in the state was 30%. From MPs, to number of ministers, to % of government employees.

So what?? The agreement was for 30% government employees etc, not for 30% land!!
And this 30% and the other unfair superprivillages to the TCs were given as a compromise for having a unitary state (and not partition as Turks wanted). So since now we will not have a unitary state that 30% of whatever is part of history (except if you want to return back to the unitary state of RoC).
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