Svetlana wrote:The true Cornish Pasty has meat and vegetables at one end and fruit at the other (imagine Souvlaki with a banana at one end LOL!).
They were the basic lunch of the Cornish tin miners, who would eat them underground; it provided them with both their main course and dessert, without the need for plates/knives and forks.
Extra bit of information; the way the pastry was folded at the top made that part very thick for holding as handles because the miners had no where to wash their hands. These extra bits would always be thrown away.
£1.00 each in hackney from a jewish bakers(No pork). Often bring home a few and my wife boils a few potatos and some peas, plenty of gravy and they are wonderful. Best one I had was a cheese and onion one in Tintagel in Cornwall.