Why not come over to sunny Blackpool!!!!
I could give you a tour of the sites in my armoured Lada
Just think very soon you could be cruising down Central drive watching the dealers dealing and collecting their recompense in their own inimitable way
You and your family could soon be winging your way to Talbot square to observe the local constabulary totally ignoring the stag parties thumping and kicking vehicles trying to pass
As you progress up towards your luxury barbed wire stalag (Or hotel as it is sometimes known) you can, if you are lucky see the Hen parties doing their synchronised pis*ing inn the road
After a terrible nights sleep (due to the closing of the nearby nightclub)
You can after breakfast take a trip to the beach to watch the ritual raking of the beer cans and condoms from the sands
All this Stuart could be yours in your dream holiday in Blackpool