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Is there any Greek Speaking Cypriots in Rizokarpaso?

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Is there any Greek Speaking Cypriots in Rizokarpaso?

Postby humanist » Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:55 am

couldn't find any current infor online ... or is it a case of who cares?
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Postby Bill » Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:00 am

Yes Andrea's there are although I'm not sure of how many.

Of all the area's in the occupied part I would guess Rizokarpaso has the highest concentration of Greek speaking Cypriots.

I have visited Greek Cypriots in that area and I did ask on this forum if anybody knew exactly how many were still living over there but can't remember the figure that was given.

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Re: Is there any Greek Speaking Cypriots in Rizokarpaso?

Postby LENA » Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:16 am

humanist wrote:couldn't find any current infor online ... or is it a case of who cares?

Are you sure that was posted in the right section???? :? :? :? :? :?

Its not a joke!!!!! Or is it??????? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:05 am

I visited that particular village and noticed something quite extraordinary, on one side of the main street all the businesses seemed to be run by Turkish Cypriots, the other side was run by Greek Cypriots, it conjured up the image of one of the films starring 'Clint Eastwood' in which he comes upon a town with 'The Rojos' at one end and 'The Baxters' at the other. There did not appear to be much contact between both communities although neither were there any signs of hostility visible, it was rather sad to observe such a situation as I am sure most of the residents must have lived there for many years.

With the T/Cs on one side and the G/Cs on the other, there seems to be little chance of a peaceful solution for as long as the Americans and British influence the 'Middle' ground, I am not trying to paint a dismal picture, perhaps that village might hold the key to a peaceful settlement, they only have to cross the street and embrace each other. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby LENA » Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:04 pm

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Postby humanist » Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:46 pm

Thank you for your posts people, Lena it was not a joke I just googled and did not get much info, generally old and certainly no figures.

Interesting Eliko, still a bit sad though I would have hoped that there would have been more interaction. I am coming to Cyprus January 2008 adn I am not sure as to whether I want to visit the village I spent my first 5 years growing up (visit my grandmothers house and hopefully pick up some old family photos if they are still there) , visit Rizokarpaso travel to the north generally. Then again it might be a good way of finding out more about how Turkish Speaking Cypriots live.
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Postby humanist » Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:02 am

Lena, thank you for the links, it has been very informative and whilst I try to stay away from making generalised blaming statements about the whole situation. I was disgusted by the fact that properties of enclaved Greek Speakers being taken away from them and given to settlers. I found that quite astonishing. Whilst I do not agree with the exploitation of Greek Speaking Cypriot refugee property, I can appreciate that all those Turkish Speaking Cypriots who moved from their villages from the south had to be accommodated in the north and are now occupying refugee property I can not believ that the regime in the north allowed this to happen to take property from rightful owners living in the north and divid it up to settlers, that must have been heart wrenching for those people.
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Postby LENA » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:17 am

humanist wrote:Thank you for your posts people, Lena it was not a joke I just googled and did not get much info, generally old and certainly no figures.

Humanist you put your post on the joke section!!!
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Postby LENA » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:58 am

humanist wrote:Lena, thank you for the links, it has been very informative and whilst I try to stay away from making generalised blaming statements about the whole situation. I was disgusted by the fact that properties of enclaved Greek Speakers being taken away from them and given to settlers. I found that quite astonishing. Whilst I do not agree with the exploitation of Greek Speaking Cypriot refugee property, I can appreciate that all those Turkish Speaking Cypriots who moved from their villages from the south had to be accommodated in the north and are now occupying refugee property I can not believ that the regime in the north allowed this to happen to take property from rightful owners living in the north and divid it up to settlers, that must have been heart wrenching for those people. are more than welcome...I am glad that I cases like that you can here lots of know each person present the facts as he/she wish...dont listen anyone...thats why I am not going to tell you what to have to shaped your opinion on the subject...listen both sites...and then you can decide...but you must not listen from two persons...but lots of is GC and he is against the Turks and the are going to hear a different things that a GC will tell you who believe that TCs are not the enemy just the Turks...and the same with a TC who is going to tell you about the GC enemy who made them suffer and from another one who believe that Turkey make them suffer!!! But you are old enough as I just saw to know all this things!
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Postby humanist » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:11 am

LOL LOL at myself. Lena thank you for pointing it out. Still laughing ....... I had no idea.

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