OH! I did not realise that Tpap had gone to confession and been absolved of all his sins.
Can any of you guys see past your Greek/Roman noses (Joke)? Tpap has signed a deal with several countries a few years back with out the consent of the TCs and you do not see that as an act of aggression. Dose the unlawful attempt of trying to change thirteen points in a constitution ring any bells???????
WELL GUESS WHAT!! Turkey kicked Greek Cypriots out of their homes and stole their houses a few years back without their consent either. Infact, Talat gives the go ahead on re-development on Greek Cypriot lands in the north without the consent of the owners!! First you want your own state born on ethnic cleansing and theivery, then you tell us you think we should share with you the natural resources found in our waters! A TYPICAL Turkish Cypriot ideology - you switch sides to whatever is convenient at that point in time.
My blood went cold when I heard what Talat said and to be honest with you I am trying not to think about it and maybe even bury my head in the sand because if there is anything that will bring about more hostilities it is this. You see it as a victory for the RoC but I see it as a dangerous point in our recent history. I hope you guys are still smirking when the bombs start to go off. Try to see where this amount of money is leading us too and forget the points you are trying to score against one another. This is dangerous folks.
hahaha...your trying to make the government of Cyprus feel guilty for not sharing its natural resources found in the southern waters of the island - but you constantly go on at wanting your own stolen state in the north and do not batter an eyelid with regards to some of the valuable Greek Cypriot real estate in the north that is stolen by Turkish Cypriots or their redevelopment.
You sound like a right spoiled and selfish arse.