zan wrote:pitsilos wrote:zan, you might want to take a crack at it instead. i would be very much interested in your views on the theory of relativity.
you also made comments that the gcs never change and they are war mongers, but its ok for your leader, talat, to start throwing threats around. no comments on that?
if you are an advocate for partition, zan, what rights have you got on those oil reserves?
My views on the theory of relativity...........I think I will stick with those from the experts for my theory on the oil situation, well.....It all makes sense now as to why Tpap has made it so hard for unification. I also have a theory that people like you that have advocated unification all this time, will now start thinking like me and want partition because you so want to not live on a partitioned island. I have said all along that greed is the decider and all those refugees that want millions upon millions in compensation will now again lose out to the RoC and the rich of the south. For me, you can keep all the oil you can eat so that I can have my own country but I know it is not that simple and this find, if it is true, is going to be the cause of a lot more suffering for the ordinary people as they are once again forgotten in the frenzy. Your eagerness to gloat and taunt is testament to that frame of mind. God help us all.
there you go again goating around
but zan you did not answer about your leaders threats but you were quick to condemn individuals that threaten war.
whats the matter the cat got your tongue?
no i just wanted to hear from you that it was wrong to threaten war today thats all, but i guess even that was too hard for you to say, wasn't it? i guess you just exposed the hypocrite that you are and that goes with vp.
btw i have no claim what so ever in the north, south or the oilfields. just thought i tell you this so you can stop ASSuming.