Same old ignorance from TC's being willfully blind and ignorant.
Do people like Mrfromng, Shah and VP actually know what happend in Cyprus during the 50's, 60's and 70's or are they purposefully believing the hype from Turkey??
In 1963 Tc walked out of government after proposed amendements to the constitution, whilst TC separatist caused animosity between the GC and TC communities so their aparthaid ideologies born in Turkey could be realised.
1974 Turkey invaded during a political crises within the GC community in Cyprus. No TC were murdered by Gc in the 5 years before the invasion until Turkey cast the first blow.
Good enough excuse for ya??
u know NOTHING and u r talking out of ur ARSE hole, now go and crawl back under that rock u crawled out off, come back when u have learnt something, preferably the truth!