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This is the most logical idea I've heard in years,I think..

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This is the most logical idea I've heard in years,I think..

Postby humanist » Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:24 am

I hope that the following is a genuine quote from Mr Kasoulidis and not a politically correct thing to say in order to get a brownnie points.

"Kasoulides, a member of the European Parliament, also stressed that foreign inspired solutions and plans should come to an end, whether they are called Annan Plan or Ghali ideas.
There should be a “Cyprus solution” instead, worked out by Greek and Turkish Cypriots." ... wsID=304_1

The following quote though goes to show that it is a brownnie point, getter

"The July 8 deal, reached by Tassos Papadopoulos and Mehmet Ali Talat with the help of Under-secretary General Ibrahim Gambari, last year, provides for the establishment of inter-communal technical committees and groups of experts.
These were to address a variety of issues, both political and matters affecting the day to day life of the people, in order to prepare the ground for full fledged negotiations.
But no progress has been made so far and seven months after the deal, the committees have yet to be set up and start work.
Foreign Minister Giorgos Lillikas said this process of intercommunal discussions has “unfortunately stalled because of the Turkish negative approach”. ... wsID=304_1

It just isn't good enough to argue that the stalemate has been due to Turkish negative approach. A proactive government and a proactive side would have set up the agreed committees and groups and turned up at Gambaris' office on daily basis, stating something like .... here they are, where's the other side? That is proactive sincere and genuine political pressure Mr Lilikas. Sitting back and blaming the other side has been done for the past 33 years and where have we got too? Same goes for the Turkish Speaking Cypriot side, although as I have come to understand since being on the forum is that their hands are in a sense tight because Turkey obviously does have the final say.....

Stop blaming the other side if you have not fullfilled your side of the bargain. Do by example and if that fails then let the UN blame the side that has not met their part of the agreement.
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Postby Sotos » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:25 am

I think Kasoulides is just saying things because he will be a candidate for president and he has to say something. But I think that any new negotiations will fail again. We want a united Cyprus and they want partition. There is no common ground! :(
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Postby humanist » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:56 pm

Sotos, I have been on the forum for a short period of time and I will have to agree that most Turkish Speaking cypriots appear to want just that. So I am not sure where to from here. I guess thing will remain as they are. An isolated "trnc" and 200,000 od refugees homeless.

Though this forum is not the majority of Cypriots talking. Am not sure if there is a Greek/ Turkish language specific to know what is said there. Remeber most TC's voted yes to the AP and yes I know it was not a fair plan. Any plan that does not allow for demilitarisation of Cyprus is not worth the paper is written on as far as am concerned.

But am only a tiny fish in the mediteranian :)
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