Lena if we have 6 AMAZING universities that are also cheap why would anyone need to leave the island, i dont understand your point, its a matter of choice, but its still nice to have different options to decide on...
Bill you have to proove that you are Cypriot descendent, as in not the child of a Turk from mainland who came after the war, so basically you have to muster up the birth certificates of your ancestors and go over there, i belive the RoC authorities usually has all the old documents of the ppl from before the conflict anyway, so for some its quite easy for others its a really long and painfull proccess of constantly having to travel to south and spend tonnes of money on taxis and wait in queues and we all know how entertaining government offices are.
i know quite a few people who got put off after a few tries and never went back, some make big plans to start a new life abroad so its crucial that they obtain this passport, others are not really that bothered. i personally dont have one, and i was told by the officers that i wouldnt be allowed back south if i dont get one, which i will not, so looks like no more 31 for me...