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EU to end sanctions on North?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:56 am

Birkibrisli wrote:Let me give you a bit of a hand here,if I may please Kikapu?

Take out the following propaganda points and Viewpoint will have nothing to say:

1.Turkey saved us in 1974 from certain genocide...

2. We are nothing without Turkey,or rather we are GC food...

3. You have elected an ex-EOKA man and Turk-hater as President...

4.We don't want to be a minority in a GC run state...

5.Gc's will never share power with TCs,they want to subjugate us and assimilate us...

6. We said YES to the AP and you said NO,that proves you don't want reunification...
7. We have lived peacefully with the status quo for 33 years,that proves we cannot live together...

8.You have our land in the South and we have your land in the North...

9.We got rid of Denktash and put Talat in who has his hand of peace in the air,but Tpapa is not talking to him...

10.The RoC is not a legitimate government as it does not represent the TCs...

11. If you want to show us godwill,just remove the sanctions and isolation measures...

These are just from the top of my head.Did I leave anything out,viewpoint?

Sincerely Yours,

Biropoulos... :wink: :D

And I thought you did not believe in cencorship!

Yours would be a lot simpler list than that to shut you up.

1. Cypriotness

2. See 1.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have just about managed to get these two to take a breather and you come along to stir it up again. :evil: :evil:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:04 am

Sorry,mate...I had just woken up and did not realise there was a siezefire in operation.I take it all back :wink:

Ps 1.Cypriotness

2.See 1... :lol:
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Postby pitsilos » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:09 am

zan wrote:
pitsilos wrote:
zan wrote:
pitsilos wrote:and i thought you guys could count your balls and get the same answer twice. :lol:

You had to edit your post.....Did you get the same answer twice. :lol: :lol:

spelling mistake. and your next question is? :lol:

What is the air speed velocity of an unladened swallow?

does that have anything to do with counting your balls twice and not getting the same answer? :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:36 am

pitsilos wrote:and i thought you guys could count your balls and get the same answer twice. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: very funny joker :wink:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:11 am

It reminds me of 1974 when your "peace forces" from Turkey were hunging a Christian cross on the necks of poor TCs just to ridicule them for their spoken Turkish. :cry:

Do you knoe how many TC women and girls your "peace forces" from Turkey have raped in 1974 VP?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:16 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:It reminds me of 1974 when your "peace forces" from Turkey were hunging a Christian cross on the necks of poor TCs just to ridicule them for their spoken Turkish. :cry:

Do you knoe how many TC women and girls your "peace forces" from Turkey have raped in 1974 VP?

Tell us ho oracle and make the data independent....links please?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:23 am

Birkibrisli wrote:Let me give you a bit of a hand here,if I may please Kikapu?

Take out the following propaganda points and Viewpoint will have nothing to say:

1.Turkey saved us in 1974 from certain genocide...

2. We are nothing without Turkey,or rather we are GC food...

3. You have elected an ex-EOKA man and Turk-hater as President...

4.We don't want to be a minority in a GC run state...

5.Gc's will never share power with TCs,they want to subjugate us and assimilate us...

6. We said YES to the AP and you said NO,that proves you don't want reunification...
7. We have lived peacefully with the status quo for 33 years,that proves we cannot live together...

8.You have our land in the South and we have your land in the North...

9.We got rid of Denktash and put Talat in who has his hand of peace in the air,but Tpapa is not talking to him...

10.The RoC is not a legitimate government as it does not represent the TCs...

11. If you want to show us godwill,just remove the sanctions and isolation measures...

These are just from the top of my head.Did I leave anything out,viewpoint?

Sincerely Yours,

Biropoulos... :wink: :D

Biropoulos rather one sided the above arent they? how about what the GCs say all the time, you know thieves, bandits, democarcy, human rights etc etc........

The only reason you dont like hearing them is because you have difficulty accepting that they do have truth in them have you ever thought of that?
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Postby zan » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:26 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Wow-wow, sick bastard, fuck off, Kikapoulos, your colours are getting brighter and brighter VP.

Birkibrisli, has put down your agenda points in an orderly manner, would you care prove him wrong? There is not even one person in here who hasn't realised what your doing behind your "government" satelite connection :razz:

Rich coming from a three man team :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby zan » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:27 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:It reminds me of 1974 when your "peace forces" from Turkey were hunging a Christian cross on the necks of poor TCs just to ridicule them for their spoken Turkish. :cry:

Do you knoe how many TC women and girls your "peace forces" from Turkey have raped in 1974 VP?

Make note: Can't win any arguments then resorts to childish insults and lies.....
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Postby LENA » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:17 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:It reminds me of 1974 when your "peace forces" from Turkey were hunging a Christian cross on the necks of poor TCs just to ridicule them for their spoken Turkish. :cry:

Do you knoe how many TC women and girls your "peace forces" from Turkey have raped in 1974 VP?

Tell us ho oracle and make the data independent....links please?

RAPE Relevant Article:- No one shall be subjected to torture or to in-human or degrading treatment or punishment.

Charge:- Turkish troops were responsible for wholesale and repeated rapes of women of all ages from 12 to 71. Sometimes to such an extent that the victims suffered haemorrhages or became mental wrecks. In some areas, enforced prostitution was practised, all women and girls of a village being collected and put into separate rooms in empty houses where they were raped repeatedly.
In certain cases members of the same family were repeatedly raped, some of them in front of their own children. In other cases women were brutally raped in public.
Rapes were on many occasions accompanied by brutality such as violent biting of the victims, causing severe wounding, banging their heads on the floor and wringing their throats almost to the point of suffocation. In some cases attempts to rape were followed by the stabbing or killing of the victims, including pregnant and mentally-retarded women.
Evidence given to Commission:- Testimony of doctors C and H, who examined the victims. Eye-witnesses and hearsay witnesses also gave evidence, and the Commission had before it written statements from 41 alleged victims.
Dr H said he had confirmed rape in 70 cases, including:-
• A mentally-retarded girl of 24 was raped in her house by 20 soldiers. When she started screaming they threw her from the second floor window. She fractured her spine and was paralysed.
• One day after their arrival at Voni, Turks took girls to a nearby house and raped them. ? One woman from Voni was raped on three occasions by four persons each time. She became pregnant.
• One girl, from Palekythrou, who was held with others in a house, was taken out at gun point and raped.
• At Tanvu, Turkish soldiers tried to rape a 17 year-old girl. She resisted and was shot dead.
• A woman from Gypsou told Dr H that 25 girls were kept by Turks at Marathouvouno as prostitutes.
Another witness said his wife was raped in front of their children. Witness S told of 25 girls who complained to Turkish officers about being raped and were raped again by the officers. A man (name withheld) reported that his wife was stabbed in the neck while resisting rape. His grand-daughter, aged six, had been stabbed and killed by Turkish soldiers attempting to rape her.
A Red Cross witness said that in August 1974, while the island’s telephones were still working, the Red Cross Society received calls from Palekythrou and Kaponti reporting rapes. The Red Cross also took care of 38 women released from Voni and Gypsou detention camps; all had been raped, some in front of their husbands and children. Others had been raped repeatedly, or put in houses frequented with Turkish soldiers.
These women were taken to Akrotiri hospital, in the British Sovereign Base Area, where they were treated. Three were found to be pregnant. Reference was also made to several abortions performed at the base.
Commission’s verdict:- By 12 votes to one the Commission found "that the incidents of rape described in the cases referred to and regarded as established constitute "in-human treatment" and thus violations of Article 3 for which Turkey is responsible under the Convention."

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