Birkibrisli wrote:Let me give you a bit of a hand here,if I may please Kikapu?
Take out the following propaganda points and Viewpoint will have nothing to say:
1.Turkey saved us in 1974 from certain genocide...
2. We are nothing without Turkey,or rather we are GC food...
3. You have elected an ex-EOKA man and Turk-hater as President...
4.We don't want to be a minority in a GC run state...
5.Gc's will never share power with TCs,they want to subjugate us and assimilate us...
6. We said YES to the AP and you said NO,that proves you don't want reunification...
7. We have lived peacefully with the status quo for 33 years,that proves we cannot live together...
8.You have our land in the South and we have your land in the North...
9.We got rid of Denktash and put Talat in who has his hand of peace in the air,but Tpapa is not talking to him...
10.The RoC is not a legitimate government as it does not represent the TCs...
11. If you want to show us godwill,just remove the sanctions and isolation measures...
These are just from the top of my head.Did I leave anything out,viewpoint?
Sincerely Yours,
And I thought you did not believe in cencorship!
Yours would be a lot simpler list than that to shut you up.
1. Cypriotness
2. See 1.

I have just about managed to get these two to take a breather and you come along to stir it up again.