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EU to end sanctions on North?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:08 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:And why did you refer to my reply to Shah to say I "hate" you. Where did you even see the slightest hint of hate in that post? :?: :?: :?: :?:

Just your general comments which are riddled with a Turk and TC hating phobia which is really out of control.

The master has spoken, on playing with words. Were you seriously keeping a straight face, when you wrote your post.??
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:And why did you refer to my reply to Shah to say I "hate" you. Where did you even see the slightest hint of hate in that post? :?: :?: :?: :?:

Just your general comments which are riddled with a Turk and TC hating phobia which is really out of control.

The master has spoken, on playing with words. Were you seriously keeping a straight face, when you wrote your post.??

Welcome back Kikapolous, angry about something are we??
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Postby zan » Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:22 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:50% chance TrashNcan will be disolved.
50% chance it will become TrashyAnatoriaDistrict
0% chance to survive

In either case it will evaporate.
Here take 1 pound go play dogs, you will better chance to win.

I said odds not percentages but never mind I will try again with Pyro2 in the morning :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:46 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Welcome back Kikapolous, angry about something are we??

Venereal Pus,

I was hoping you would have given up, trying to play "scrabbles" with me and debate instead, but obviously, you have the urge for some more punishment, so lets keep playing. Tell me when you had enough.

Oh, not angry about anything in particular really, just wanted to know which one of the five people is you, in your AVATAR. My guess is, is the one in the middle, the short guy, who is trying to elevate himself, to reach the others around him, by trying to out smart yourself.

Here is a recommendation for you...Give it UP, while you're ahead.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:00 pm

LENA wrote:VP…I apologies for my mistakes…I correct few of them…you might see few more but I hope you understand it now and reply to me.

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:I said I want my country with all my compatriots...without any Turks in...and I didnt say that we want everything from you....But you said you want the TRNC...thats your country...not the whole love your compatriots ...the TCs and the Turks who "saved" you from the "bad people" who want to steal everything you have!!! And I said that I want to share my country with you like the rest of the GCs but you said no thank you we dont need you and we dont want you!!!

Can you see the difference???

How can you steal what is already partly yours?

Answer me this question, was pre 1974 a better situation (economically, socially, security etc) for GCs or is today 2007 better?


Answer me this question, was pre 1974 a better situation (economically, socially, security etc) for TCs or is today 2007 better?

Gcs are comfortable in the fact that they have numerical superiority so they have started this we want you we are all Cypriots act, where was this brotherly love in Dec 1963 or when you threw your TC borthers out of Government only allowing their return if they would accept the Akritas plan?

If you want to be with us and unite then get on the streets and show it, demand your leaders put forward demands which include TC representation and where we will not be brushed to one side by the majority, show the TCs that you mean business with the security of the country should the GCs turn on the TCs, these are issues which the GC administration should be addressing. Maybe the plain fact is that they do not want a solution as they claim to be the sole representatives of the whole island and that they know full well that another failed attempt at finding a solution will surely cement partition forever.

VP read again…I told you to read my words twice to get the meaning. Shahmaran said that we want to steal your properties and I said that this island belong to both of us!!!! Belong to both of us!!! OK one more time…probably it will help you comprehended that … BELONG TO BOTH OF US!!!!!

And my dear VP…you don’t have to spend your time typing twice your questions … You cant compare the economy before 1974 and now!!! We have 2007. 2*0*0*7!!! The technology, the progress in science, the high level of our education etc…increase the economical status not only in Cyprus but in the whole world too. Do you believe that the Turkish brought with them the prosperity???… hehehehehehehehe … wait … hahahahahahahahaha…that was good…sorry I couldn’t hold my self!!!

Ok here is another good one…you advised me if I want to unite with you to go out in the streets and demand from my leaders to put forwards demands… hehehehehe ….ok I am not going to laugh more on that…to be honest the first one was better. Anyway, during the east vacation stay home and wait in frond of your TV…you are going to see me coming to the island with signs and I will go straight from the airport to the president….You really believe what you said? Give me a break…How many times have we done that in the past?? But then, Turkey was complaining about that…and they asked to stop all this if we wanted to find a solution. How we are going to find a solution if we all run in the streets???
You don’t know what power you have in your hands. Its you that hold the power. RoC wants you by our side…Turkish government wants you by their side… you have the power to push them and tell them all that you said to me! If GCs rum in the streets to express what TCs wants …everyone will laugh with us…!!! You can use this power and force them to do the right thing…but remember… THE RIGHT THING!!! Not to recognised the north Cyprus as a different nation as you said.

And please can you answer me in that too with an ANSWER not with a question…will you???

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:you believe that all this Turks who came after 1974 are Cypriots too, you think that all this years they made them Turkish CYPRIOTS. Is that what you are telling me???

Its a good question when will we have an answer?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the mistakes…you were right I was horrible!!!!

If the highlighted areas are your question then here goesas far I understand them.

Turks support us financially and they are the only real allies we have, they saved us in 1974 and gave us a lot more than GC ever did, we have lived in tranquility and a peaceful existence for 33 years, this the GCs never allowed us to do all they saw fit was a second class citizen with no say in their own future, living in ghettos again isolated from the world. So you are not stupid you can compare which one has been better for us.

As for the last 3 questions which are all related, we ran in the streets as you put it the biggest meeting on earth, we got rid of Denktash, we elected a pro unificaiton man and voted YES to the only unifiaciton plan put before us. What you done? elected an ex eoka man, a Turk hater, maintained isoaltion of the TCs and rejected the only plan put before....where are the meetings for unifcaiton? where is the pressure on your leaders to correct the Annan plan? where are the EU measures to remove isoaltion? Its time GC demanded that theit own side do more to bring closer to them rather than push them away and firmly into the arms of Turkey. The ball is firmly in your court its time you realized this and hit it back.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Welcome back Kikapolous, angry about something are we??

Venereal Pus,

I was hoping you would have given up, trying to play "scrabbles" with me and debate instead, but obviously, you have the urge for some more punishment, so lets keep playing. Tell me when you had enough.

Oh, not angry about anything in particular really, just wanted to know which one of the five people is you, in your AVATAR. My guess is, is the one in the middle, the short guy, who is trying to elevate himself, to reach the others around him, by trying to out smart yourself.

Here is a recommendation for you...Give it UP, while you're ahead.

:lol: :lol: :lol: very funny Kikapulous,if you have anything to say then say it and try very hard to civil and you will get the same in return.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:25 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Welcome back Kikapolous, angry about something are we??

Venereal Pus,

I was hoping you would have given up, trying to play "scrabbles" with me and debate instead, but obviously, you have the urge for some more punishment, so lets keep playing. Tell me when you had enough.

Oh, not angry about anything in particular really, just wanted to know which one of the five people is you, in your AVATAR. My guess is, is the one in the middle, the short guy, who is trying to elevate himself, to reach the others around him, by trying to out smart yourself.

Here is a recommendation for you...Give it UP, while you're ahead.

:lol: :lol: :lol: very funny Kikapulous,if you have anything to say then say it and try very hard to civil and you will get the same in return.

Village Puny,

I thought I picked the right guy in your Avatar.

OK, lets see if you're really the Village Puny.

You can call me Kikapulous all you want. In fact the name is growing on me, but for you, is a disgrace that you don't have the balls, to come out and say what you really want to say to me, which is "TRAITOR". So come on Village Puny, lets hear it. Where is your courage man. Show us all, that you can say what you believe. You will really feel much better afterwards. Of course my guess is, you will not say it, because you are a COWARD.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:31 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Welcome back Kikapolous, angry about something are we??

Venereal Pus,

I was hoping you would have given up, trying to play "scrabbles" with me and debate instead, but obviously, you have the urge for some more punishment, so lets keep playing. Tell me when you had enough.

Oh, not angry about anything in particular really, just wanted to know which one of the five people is you, in your AVATAR. My guess is, is the one in the middle, the short guy, who is trying to elevate himself, to reach the others around him, by trying to out smart yourself.

Here is a recommendation for you...Give it UP, while you're ahead.

:lol: :lol: :lol: very funny Kikapulous,if you have anything to say then say it and try very hard to civil and you will get the same in return.

Village Puny,

I thought I picked the right guy in your Avatar.

OK, lets see if you're really the Village Puny.

You can call me Kikapulous all you want. In fact the name is growing on me, but for you, is a disgrace that you don't have the balls, to come out and say what you really want to say to me, which is "TRAITOR". So come on Village Puny, lets hear it. Where is your courage man. Show us all, that you can say what you believe. You will really feel much better afterwards. Of course my guess is, you will not say it, because you are a COWARD.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: these are personal insults, what do you think this is traitors and cowards a James Bond Movie, I can be just as rude do you want me to be? if you do then continue with the same rhetoric if not wise up Kikapolous.....
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:And why did you refer to my reply to Shah to say I "hate" you. Where did you even see the slightest hint of hate in that post? :?: :?: :?: :?:

Just your general comments which are riddled with a Turk and TC hating phobia which is really out of control.

Jesus! What Turk hate and phobia????
Oh let me guess, this is one of your OLDEST agenda points, right?

To clarify this once more. There is no person in here who does not discuss in frustration. I don't translate that into hate. Why do you insist in translating it as hate? I said hundreds of times I feel sorrow not only for me and the other refugees but also for the situation in which the TCs are, because of their actions against me. I wish all this to end, for ALL CONCERNED, and to the benefit OF ALL.
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Postby zan » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:45 pm

Make a list of what you don't want to discuss Kikapo and we will try to stear clear of it.
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