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EU to end sanctions on North?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:11 am

Now if I reply to Zan I will make him even more pissed off, if I reply to VP we will start a new circle of endless blah,blah blah, what shall I do, what shall I do,what shall I do?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:11 am

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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:54 am

Hey guys…I just went for a nap and look what I found…anyway

Shahmaran…I made that just to make lighter the atmosphere here because everybody was complaining how serious was this section…anyway since you asked and I received threats from DT ()…

shahmaran wrote:It is really dissapointing, because only now i am realising what kind of RACIST thoughts you actually hold towards Turks.

luckily you can hide behind the little sweet girl that you portray abour yourself and it will all just pass by as simply, funny... so good luck with that if it ever becomes a habit ;)

Well, I am not a racist with anyone and I will never be one. I know many people from Turkey, to be honest I don’t know many TCs but I do know lots of Turkish. I never had any problem with them or I will. I even dance with them. I don’t mind. But all this here in UK. What its concern my country…that’s a different thing. They made my country suffer a lot. And those Turks that I know are young people and honestly I don’t think that I should start shooting them as you described me. But those who are in my land and the demand to name my country as their country…no… I don’t accept that. I don’t want those people who killed my family in my land!!! Can you see the difference? Not that I want to kill them as the did to me…to my family … to my compatriots!

And I naver said that I am a sweet girl…as I said to Pyros I am a senseless woman!!!!

As for the rest…as I told you before so many times…you are dancing…and Marz saved my time to start writing an essay about how you want to “serve” all this things.


"with all due respect LEna maybe you should take some of your own advice...

i am from TRNC, and i dont think peace will ever come by force, it just doest work that way unfortunately..... "



Marz wrote:Why is it dissapointing to you are you a Turk? make up your mind on what you are, because throught this whole thread you refer to yourself as a Turk , then again later as a Cypriot, if your not sure go fnd out.

and another fact you will deny is Turks dont belong here as much as we do becuase they invaded Cyprus they didnt own it or live there before the native people were there which was the gcypriots, you came from Mongolia, so basically a bunch of wild crazy immoral sensless thieves and criminals with the mindset of an animal. Who stole and killed everything they could, look at your turk history only full of violence with all the countries that surround you.

i just remember a comment i saw you post on another thread where you contradict yourself in saying how happy you are living in the north, but your story changed in this thread to how miserable the conditions are.

So I am not going to add anything else on that. Thank you Marz!!!

As for you VP…

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:I said I want my country with all my compatriots...without any Turks in...and I didnt say that we want everything from you....But you said you want the TRNC...thats your country...not the whole love your compatriots ...the TCs and the Turks who "saved" you from the "bad people" who want to steal everything you have!!! And I said that I want to share my country with you like the rest of the GCs but you said no thank you we dont need you and we dont want you!!!

Can you see the difference???

How can you steal what is already partly yours?

Answer me this question, was pre 1974 a better situation (economically, socially, security etc) for GCs or is today 2007 better?


Answer me this question, was pre 1974 a better situation (economically, socially, security etc) for TCs or is today 2007 better?

Gcs are comfortable in the fact that they have numerical superiority so they have started this we want you we are all Cypriots act, where was this brotherly love in Dec 1963 or when you threw your TC borthers out of Government only allowing their return if they would accept the Akritas plan?

If you want to be with us and unite then get on the streets and show it, demand your leaders put forward demands which include TC representation and where we will not be brushed to one side by the majority, show the TCs that you mean business with the security of the country should the GCs turn on the TCs, these are issues which the GC administration should be addressing. Maybe the plain fact is that they do not want a solution as they claim to be the sole representatives of the whole island and that they know full well that another failed attempt at finding a solution will surely cement partition forever.

VP read again…I told you to read my words twice to get the meaning!!! One time it seems its not enough for you!!! He said that “we want to steal your property”. I said that this island belong to both of us!!!! Belong to both of us!!! OK lets put again…it may be make you competence that … BELONG TO BOTH OF US!!!!! Did this helped you??

And my dear VP…its you that you have a problem to comprehend not me…you don’t have to spend your time typing twice a question…You cant compare the economy then and now you know!!! That was earlier from 1974 and now we have 2007. 2*0*0*7!!! The technology, the progress in science, the free and compulsory education to all of us….etc…increase the life’s level and the economy. What you believe that the Turkish brought with them the prosperity… hehehehehehehehe … wait … hahahahahahahahaha…that was good…sorry I couldn’t hold my self!!!

Ok here is another good one you said…you really made my day…thank you… anyway back to the joke…you advised me if I want to unite with you to go out in the streets and demand from my leaders to put forwards demands… hehehehehe ….ok I am not going to laugh more on that the previous was better. Anyway, I want you during the east vacation to watch the news…you are going to see me on TV …I am going to be famous because of you…You really believe what you write? Give me a break…How many times have we done that?? You know…the Turkish was complaining about that…and they asked to stop all this if we want to solve our problem. How we are going to find a solution with all this people outside in the streets at the same time that our politicians are negotiating on the subject???

You haven’t seen the power that you have in your hands. Its you that hold the power. Cyprus government wants you by our side…Turkish government wants you by their side…its you who can give them the meaning…that you want all that you said! If we go out and say TCs want that and that…they are going to laugh with us…!!! You can use this power and force them to do the right thing…but remember… THE RIGHT THING!!! Not to recognised the north Cyprus as a different nation as you said. Are we clear on that?? And please before you answer to me…I beg you…read that twice!!!

And since you are in the procedure please answer me with an ANSWER not with a question…will you???

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:you believe that all this Turks who came after 1974 are Cypriots too, you think that all this years they made them Turkish CYPRIOTS. Is that what you are telling me???

Its a good question when will we have an answer?

Thank you in advance!!!!
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:41 pm

Lena, its funny you tell OTHERS to read posts carefully because my initial statement still stands very VERY firmly, you are full of shit and thats why you agree so much with Marz (ever heard the phraze about the pot and the lid ;) ), he like you, is also here just blabbering on with his incompetent knowledge of history mixed with some ancient anti-Turk tendencies and a touch of old grandma stories, so from now on im going to refrain from approaching the posts from either of you with any kind of rationality or serious judgement, im sorry if i "missed" the joke in your post ill just try harder next time, but dont worry tho ill dance with you anytime ;)
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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:16 pm

shahmaran wrote:Lena, its funny you tell OTHERS to read posts carefully because my initial statement still stands very VERY firmly, you are full of shit and thats why you agree so much with Marz (ever heard the phraze about the pot and the lid ;) ), he like you, is also here just blabbering on with his incompetent knowledge of history mixed with some ancient anti-Turk tendencies and a touch of old grandma stories, so from now on im going to refrain from approaching the posts from either of you with any kind of rationality or serious judgement, im sorry if i "missed" the joke in your post ill just try harder next time, but dont worry tho ill dance with you anytime ;)

My dear Shahmaran, I start laughing at you because you never gave me a clear answer. I am tired trying to run after you for the answers. I asked you…if you want a solution to that…and you said you want recognition for the TRNC…I asked you if you want the GCs … and you said that its better to stay at south away from all of you…I asked you if you love Turks…and you said its your cousins and you want them…I asked you if you consider the whole island as your country … and you said my country is the TRNC – just a part of the island! I asked you if you consider us as compatriots … and you reply to me with a question…you asked me ”if I am a racist”…I asked you if you want me to sale my country…and you said that no one is asking me to give you anything, you already got your share…I asked you if you want one name – one country…and you said that your country’s name is TRNC!!!!!!!!!!
And finally your initial statement still stands very VERY firmly, I am full of shit!!!
Great!!! Thank you for the answers and your compliment!!!
About your offer...well are you sure??? A racist lady who stink because its full of shit??? nop!!! Think again!!! If you survive from the smell she might kill you or shoot you!!!!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:20 pm

The question "How long will/would it take for the settlers to become Turkish Cypriots" is an easy one...They will become TCs when they see themselves primarily as Cypriots,and when they consider the whole of Cyprus as their homeland.And when they want to live in One country with the rest of their compatriots and not islolate themselves like criminals in one part of Cyprus...

Perhaps Shamaran can tell us how long that will take,so we all know. :roll:
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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:22 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:The question "How long will/would it take for the settlers to become Turkish Cypriots" is an easy one...They will become TCs when they see themselves primarily as Cypriots,and when they consider the whole of Cyprus as their homeland.And when they want to live in One country with the rest of their compatriots and not islolate themselves like criminals in one part of Cyprus...

Perhaps Shamaran can tell us how long that will take,so we all know. :roll:

I was thinking that I am so stupid and I lost my ability to comprehend but ok now I feel relief.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:06 pm

LENA wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:The question "How long will/would it take for the settlers to become Turkish Cypriots" is an easy one...They will become TCs when they see themselves primarily as Cypriots,and when they consider the whole of Cyprus as their homeland.And when they want to live in One country with the rest of their compatriots and not islolate themselves like criminals in one part of Cyprus...

Perhaps Shamaran can tell us how long that will take,so we all know. :roll:

I was thinking that I am so stupid and I lost my ability to comprehend but ok now I feel relief.

Is this the same Lena as yesterday there is definately a change in your command of the english language (for the worse), has nobody else noticed this??
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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:10 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:The question "How long will/would it take for the settlers to become Turkish Cypriots" is an easy one...They will become TCs when they see themselves primarily as Cypriots,and when they consider the whole of Cyprus as their homeland.And when they want to live in One country with the rest of their compatriots and not islolate themselves like criminals in one part of Cyprus...

Perhaps Shamaran can tell us how long that will take,so we all know. :roll:

I was thinking that I am so stupid and I lost my ability to comprehend but ok now I feel relief.

Is this the same Lena as yesterday there is definately a change in your command of the english language (for the worse), has nobody else noticed this??

VP...I said so many times now that my English level is not the best one...I do lots of mistakes...I didnt have to use my English until now. I am not proud of that but instead of judging me you could answer my questions...or did you wrote that just to avoid the answer???
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:12 pm

Your english was very good yesterday but today you are like a different person.
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