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The TMT mentality of the 60s for taksim.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby eracles » Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:00 pm

mrfromng wrote:

Pyrpolizer has a new signature, "until they rot". This is no doubt his wish, for the TC's to rot. Well my good friend I've just got back from the TRNC. I visit Cyprus every 6 to 10 weeks and from what I see on each visit it seems these people are far from rotting. If yo consider over 4000 new cars registered in 10 months as rotting, if you consider 27 world class hotels being built as rotting, if you consider 240000 smiling Turks and TC's as rotting then please let them continue rotting.

Crime pays :P By the way, I think that signature is WRONG. No need for that.
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Postby zan » Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:02 pm

mrfromng wrote:

Pyrpolizer has a new signature, "until they rot". This is no doubt his wish, for the TC's to rot. Well my good friend I've just got back from the TRNC. I visit Cyprus every 6 to 10 weeks and from what I see on each visit it seems these people are far from rotting. If yo consider over 4000 new cars registered in 10 months as rotting, if you consider 27 world class hotels being built as rotting, if you consider 240000 smiling Turks and TC's as rotting then please let them continue rotting.

While you're at it can you extend your wishes to the TC's of the UK too, you never know we might start rotting as much as the TC's in the TRNC. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shock! Horror!

Quite smirk and a satisfied "I told you so Pyro".
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:08 am

mrfromng wrote: Pyrpolizer has a new signature, "until they rot". This is no doubt his wish, for the TC's to rot. Well my good friend I've just got back from the TRNC. I visit Cyprus every 6 to 10 weeks and from what I see on each visit it seems these people are far from rotting. If yo consider over 4000 new cars registered in 10 months as rotting, if you consider 27 world class hotels being built as rotting, if you consider 240000 smiling Turks and TC's as rotting then please let them continue rotting.

First of all this is not my signature. Secondly what’s the picture you portrait have to do with anything? Yes there are hotels been built (not by TCs) yes there is money flowing due to the help of the GCs. All you have to do is just check how the living standard of the TCs has doubled within 3 years due to the opening of the gates. And then think again how it became controllable.

What gives me trouble adopting "UNTIL THEY ROT" as my signature is my TC taxi driver who does not have enough work, and some other TC friends who come and tell me they sit all day and whether I have something for them to do.Those people I know are not partitionists, and although I ‘d love to take whatever measures needed to ROT those partitionists, I still have to think of the rest.
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:20 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
mrfromng wrote: Pyrpolizer has a new signature, "until they rot". This is no doubt his wish, for the TC's to rot. Well my good friend I've just got back from the TRNC. I visit Cyprus every 6 to 10 weeks and from what I see on each visit it seems these people are far from rotting. If yo consider over 4000 new cars registered in 10 months as rotting, if you consider 27 world class hotels being built as rotting, if you consider 240000 smiling Turks and TC's as rotting then please let them continue rotting.

First of all this is not my signature. Secondly what’s the picture you portrait have to do with anything? Yes there are hotels been built (not by TCs) yes there is money flowing due to the help of the GCs. All you have to do is just check how the living standard of the TCs has doubled within 3 years due to the opening of the gates. And then think again how it became controllable.

What gives me trouble adopting "UNTIL THEY ROT" as my signature is my TC taxi driver who does not have enough work, and some other TC friends who come and tell me they sit all day and whether I have something for them to do.Those people I know are not partitionists, and although I ‘d love to take whatever measures needed to ROT those partitionists, I still have to think of the rest.

Is there a heart in there somewhere afer all?????
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:29 am

Is there a heart in there somewhere afer all?????

I genuinely believe Pyrpolizer is a decent chap with a good heart. I don't see him as a Tc hater or capable of hating anybody for that matter. If all GC's were like Pyrpolizer we may have a better chance of a fair and meaningful settlement.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:04 am

Pyr is pissed off with me coz i made fun of his little winky infront of a lady and he went all shy and blusshy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:08 am

shahmaran wrote:Pyr is pissed off with me coz i made fun of his little winky infront of a lady and he went all shy and blusshy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Niether of his personalities wants to talk to me. :wink: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol:
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:22 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Simon wrote:Pyrpolizer, I have indeed been saying for a long time now that the Turks/Turkish Cypriots (now able to be used interchangably considering there are so many Turks in the northern part of Cyprus nowadays) views/arguments have not changed since peace negotiations began in the 50s. Their taksim views have not changed one iota. It is clear from the majority of members on this forum that their motto is: PARTITION OR A DE JURE UNIFICATION PLAN CONCEALING DE FACTO PARTITION. The Annan Plan gives testimony to this if nothing else.

The Greek Cypriots on the other hand have given up their original position of demanding enosis, but in doing so, over the years, are seemingly being dragged closer and closer towards succumbing to the Turkish nationalistic position. Those Greek Cypriots keen on being seen as moderates are in serious danger of giving too much ground in what should be a quest for all of us who are lovers of justice: PROPORTIONAL POWER-SHARING.

Precisely Simon.

The problem as it stands now is that they cannot understand they got nothing unless we agree. Did you notice what the little boy said above? He expects us to tell him "alright you won a war it's fine" He cannot even think the war is not over. He thinks he is a brave hero who deserves it all, and cannot even understand that the job was done by an army 140 times bigger than the GCs. All he knows of is crying when a population 5 times bigger than them was attacking them in the 60s - I wonder where was his braveness then... He is nothing but a nationalistic idiot who only knows how to stand attention in front of flags...

Anyway the way I see things is unless this mentality changes there is absolutely no way for the Cyprus problem to be solved. There is going to be an economic war during which they will be paying day in day out.


eracles wrote:WorkShyMoron - (sorry nothing personal, just a a job yet? Razz )

Have you absolutely no respect for the innocent citizens wanting to go back to their homes and villages? I recognise that many mistakes were made in the past and are still being made today, but your attitude is sick.
I don't know why you're here at all. Please tell me. According to you the Cyprus problem is pretty much solved. Your effort would be far better spent working on gaining the recognition you think you deserve.

:lol: :lol:

Still sounds like looser whynings to me, GET OVER IT! :lol:

Get over it so that we can have a peacefull arrangement on what to do with the island, if you really want to that is, but untill you keep treating us like it was all our doing alone, you will not get anywhere, face it u fucked up and got knocked the fuck out! why cant you just accept it instead of squealing like little girls about "oh but they were a bigger country" "oh but we didnt mean to attack" "oh but but but we r a nation of great thinkers and not fighters" these are nothing but the cries of a loser trying to rationalise his loss!

let nancy boys like Pyr and that other fool, i forget his name, do the whinge, it suits them better :lol: :lol:

We dont need your approval to know that we won Pyr, we know it already, thats why we are still here! We are also very aware of the fact that the GC have not changed their minds about us a bit since the 60s, they still want the whole island so we know its NOT over but "NAH ALIRSINIZ" !!! :lol:

Eracles, sorry mate no job yet but eventually, dont you worry ;)
My attitude is not that sick to be honest, i totally aggree that its horrible for anyone to die but then better them then me, wouldnt you aggree?

We dont need recognition to survive, do you hear any TCs whinge half as much as the GCs, do you?!? even tho we r the ppl who are still suffering the consequences of the 60s and the 70s? NO! and i doubt u will!

thats our difference my friend...
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:23 am

zan wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Pyr is pissed off with me coz i made fun of his little winky infront of a lady and he went all shy and blusshy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Niether of his personalities wants to talk to me. :wink: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol:

maybe they are busy arguing about whos got a bigger willy! :lol: :lol:
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Postby pitsilos » Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:09 am

if you came from asia then your eyes would be slant and your willy would be tiny, otherwise you are a convert :lol:
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