Since we are on the subject I would like to add that ee also need to to remove from the streets those people who have no consideration for other drivers, driving at 30km/H on the right lane either because of their egoism, because they are talking on the phone, or are too snob to shift to the left lane.
Every day I see people who drive on the right lane, and stay in the right lane even if the car infront of them has stoped waiting to turn right. They just stop behind it and wait to see the other person turn in safety i guess (cause they worry about the other drivers safety?!!

) ) even if the left lane is completely empty! After all the left lane is for the weak right?
It happened once or twice, or maybe more times that I overtake from the left on the highway, well... not one car (annoying driver), not two or three, but as many as 10-15 cars. obviously the left lane was empty for half a kilometer.
I also want to add that driving on the speed limit (e.g. 100km) does not shield you from accidents. I say this because theres lots of people who think they drive safely at 100Km while in the meantime they just gaze at the passing fields/houses and look at anywhere but the road.
A "speeding" driver at 120km who worries about the police and keeps his eyes on the road will have a much better chance of hitting the breaks and preventing an accident than one who drives at 100km and will never touch the break pedal simply because he was looking at the cows in the nearby field.