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Hillary Clinton For American president

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Postby paul » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:02 am

it would be good if she gets in... but the millatery needs a pupet they can work ie:bush she's to strong minded to be accepted by the other MEN in power... & no dought the media would love her to fail...go girl is what i say the world needs a rest from mr bush....
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:38 am

humanist wrote:OOOOOh you better watch out girls .... Gorilla Gal might have something to say about this. She believes you already have the best president for your country not to mention his political decisions.

You better check with her first or your in trouble!!!!! hehehehehehe!!!

never voted for bush, never liked him, i think he is an embarrasment to our nation. i am all for getting a republican out of office and a democrat in. i would vote for hillary in a flash!
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:43 am

humanist wrote:Eliko, I think as sad as your description sounds there is a truth there that I have no idea how to even decostruct it to make sense to me.

As far as I have seen of GG's posts she is all for the Iraq invasion and believes that the US' international policies are the way to go.

i am not a supporter of the war in iraq. but i do support our troops. i want them to come home. but we started something, and we have to finish it. if we pulled out now, it would be disaterous for iraq.
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Postby humanist » Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:07 am

well GG, I have either got it wrong from previous posts and if so my apology, well I maintain that the war in Iraq was not the best action for the coalition forces and glad to see u wnting your troops back, I really don't believe that getting US forces out of Iraq now would be any more disastrous than having them there, that goes for ausie troops also
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