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Postby devil » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:57 pm

This kind of story is called by Snopes 'Glurge' and there are literally hundreds of examples in the Glurge Gallery

Interestingly, Snopes has a glossary where glurge is defined:


Glurge is a term specific to, coined in 1998. Already in its short lifespan it has reached across the Internet and has appeared in the print media a number of times, and it may well soon make the final breakthrough by appearing in dictionaries as a bona fide entry. The word was invented by Patricia Chapin, a member of the urban legends discussion mailing list run in conjunction with this site. At a loss for words to describe the retching sensation this then-unnamed category of stories subjected her to, she fashioned a word that simultaneously named the genre and described its effect.

Glurge (a term which can be used to describe one story or applied to the genre as a whole) is the body of inspirational tales which conceal much darker meanings than the uplifting moral lessons they purport to offer, and which undermine their messages by fabricating and distorting historical fact in the guise of offering "true stories." Glurge often contains such heart-tugging elements as sad-eyed puppies, sweet-faced children, angels, dying mothers, or miraculous rescues brought about by prayer. These stories are meant to be parables for modern times but fall far short of the mark. Our Glurge Gallery links to all the glurge any human could stand.

The origins of many glurges are known, often appearing first as fiction in literature designed for ladies of, shall we say?, not too bright intellect (although I don't wish to appear patronising!) Some, often related to prayer, also appear in church magazines. Possibly one of the best known ones is "Something for Stevie" at
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:27 pm

A very well presented contribution to this thread devil, thank you, it is such a pity when other members leap in feet first and take offence to something intended for their benefit, I did not seek to offend anyone in submitting my initial view in this matter, but, like you I'm sure, I can recognise a scam when I see one, sorry for those who can't, even sorrier for those who object to a little enlightenment. Best wishes to you mate.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Pete_D » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:56 pm

There is clearly a debate to be had here. The debate is on whether "glurge", "spam", "narratives","parables for modern times","inspiring stories" - whatever you want to call it - has a place on this forum, or indeed in society as a whole

Some would argue that this material has no benefit. It takes up bandwidth of internet connections and it takes up disk space on servers, as well as taking up the time of recipients who do not wish to receive it and find themselves opening and deleting e-mails that contain it.

Others will argue that it is beneficial, gives hope to all who read it and even if only one person who reads it is inspired compared to thousands who treat it as spam, then that is worthwhile.

So there is a debate here.... but that's not a debate I was opening up.

I was pointing out that devil and eliko both stated that this thread was created in order to, in some way, shape or form, publicise or advertise a mobile phone company.

We now know that this is not the case.

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Postby Eliko » Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:15 pm

I disagree with your contention Pete_D, the fact that a person is in business is an indication that they have a fair grasp of advertising methods, are you suggesting that this nonsense was overlooked by someone with the acumen to insert the website beneath each post?, I seriously doubt such a possibility since the acumen is at odds with such emotion, it has to be for obvious reasons. :? :? :? :? :?
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Postby LENA » Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:30 am


I feel kind of guilty now that all this came from my post... Eliko you are completely right about all the staff that you said about "the glurge" thing I mean. Devil, thanks for the extra help. You made his point clear and as a lawyer would say...with all this proofs it’s a fact now. :) (And you also informed those who didn’t know about that)

One the other hand Pete_D is right that sometimes those messages give hope...and if you are clever enough you are not going to make those people rich. But buying a mobile phone was extremely beyond imagination.

Probably Venusdee wanted to post something touching not something to fight about!!!
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